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Coming Events at Revolution Books

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What is Revolution Books?

At a moment when the planet and future of humanity are in peril...when so many are agonizing over where things are headed yet dreaming of something far better...Revolution Books is where you find the way out of the madness. Here the search for the truth meets the poetic spirit—with books, authors, films, and performance. Here you find the most radical revolution in the work and leadership of Bob Avakian who has developed the new communism aimed at the emancipation of humanity. A revolution to overthrow this system, and create a society and world in which human beings can truly flourish and the imagination can soar. Welcome to Revolution Books.

Events for Revolution Books stores in New York and Berkeley are listed here, including online events co-sponsored by both stores.

New York


Store open for browsing and shopping: Tues-Thurs-Fri-Sat-Sun 12-6 pm.
Or shop online here.
437 Malcolm X Blvd (at 132nd St) (2/3 train to 135th St)
New York, NY 10037
212-691-3345 |

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*Most events at Revolution Books are presented by the Revolution Books Educational Fund,
a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization.


The People Vs. Agent Orange​: Film Screening with Panel Discussion
Wednesday, June 19, 7:00pm

Film screening followed by panel discussion:

The People Vs. Agent Orange​

In 1961, the US launched the most lethal campaign of chemical warfare in history—​for 10 years, aerial spraying the Vietnamese countryside with the herbicide Agent Orange, leading to massive environmental destruction and two million Vietnamese suffering from cancers, other illnesses, and birth deformities. 

This award-winning documentary features two heroic women—a French-Vietnamese activist and a community rights/environmental activist from Oregon leading a worldwide campaign to end the use of Agent Orange and hold the manufacturers accountable.  

After the film screening, directors Kate Taverna and Alan Adelson will be joined in discussion by Hoang Vu, Columbia professor of history and consultant to the film; and revolutionary leader Carl Dix, who was part of a revolt by active-duty GI's who refused to participate in this genocidal war.

Plane spreads Agent Orange over wide swathe of Vietnam.



Revolution Books Berkeley store window

2444 Durant Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94704

Support the store by ordering your books on our website.
Hours are Tuesday-Friday 12:30-7pm, Saturday & Sunday 1:00-6pm. Or call 510/848-1196.

Bruce Neuburger Speaks about his book: Postcards to Hitler: A German Jew's Defiance in a Time of Terror, Followed by Q&A
Friday, June 14th, 7 p.m.

Postcards to Hitler – A German Jew’s Defiance in a Time of Terror is the story of a Jewish family set against the backdrop of great changes, culminating in the rise and rule of fascism.

At once sweeping and deeply intimate, this narrative history of Benno and Anna Neuburger, Bruce’s grandparents, and their circle of relatives and friends is drawn from family stories, direct interviews, and a mass of archival documents, including the Neuburgers’ final letters.

What emerges is a vivid portrayal of rising anti-Semitism as society is divided into “the Volk and the Jews.” The disbelief, and then the dawning of reality with each new law, portrays a slow-moving parade of horror, until it is not moving slowly anymore —and heroic acts of resistance.

Revolution Books is proud to host this presentation about this gripping work of historical creative nonfiction that resonates deeply with what confronts society and the world at this very moment.

In his dedication Neuburger concludes “…we must insist. Never again to anyone.” In an April 10, 2024 article in Counterpunch Neuburger writes, referring to his grandfather's and other acts of Jewish resistance to Nazism, “Did the Jews of that era have a right to resist these crimes? Yes. Do the Palestinians have a right to resist their oppression and persecution? Yes. Should the people of the world support the Palestinians? Yes again. Should Jewish people support Palestinians? Absolutely. If we are to uproot the soil on which antisemitism and all forms of racism flourish, we must oppose this racialized nationalism and racial persecution wherever it manifests itself, whether in Germany in 1940, or Israel or the U.S. today.”

For more about the book, visit the website:

Praise for the book:

Bruce Neuburger has told the very personal story of his grandfather Benno, who was executed for resisting Hitler’s persecution. Neuburger’s powerful writing recreates the atmosphere of the times as his family fights for its existence. This is a book that calls us to stand up against injustice and that gives us hope in disturbing times.—Maximilian Strnad, historian, author of The Fortune of Survival – Intermarried German Jews in the late stage of the Shoah.

Order the book here.

Book cover of Postards to Hitler