Revolution #251, December 1, 2011


Contribute before MIDNIGHT EST, Saturday, December 3

Two generous donors will MATCH every dollar given to fund the film Occasioned by BAsics: A Celebration of Revolution & The Vision of a New World up to $1,500 total. The deadline for doubling your tax-deductible donation is midnight Saturday, December 3.

You can donate here.

We've now raised more than $5,000 towards the goal of $23,000 on December 12. A successful match will bring us over $8,000. A contribution of $10 will have the impact of $20, $100 will mean $200... take the opportunity and give now. The more people give, the more the word will spread and the closer we'll be to making this essential goal.

This film will contribute to bringing into being a radically different culture... and the fundraising for it will bring together those who want a different and better world.

Contribute today and help spread the word!


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