June 10, 2013 is National Hoodie Day!
May 11, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us
June 10, 2013 is
National Hoodie Day!
Hit the Streets on June 10, 2013
Protest (and walkout) at schools nationwide; rally in communities; wherever you are wear the sticker (download sticker file for printing at stopmassincarceration.org), post the slogan and put up signs declaring:
Spread the We Are All Trayvon Facebook events page (facebook.com/events/353687191420065): Invite all your Facebook friends to the event and encourage them to invite all their friends. Spread it on Twitter; send it out to all your followers and Tweet it to people with large Twitter followings and encourage them to send it out to their followers. On Twitter, use the hash tags #hoodiesup and #justice4trayvon. Join the Twitter storm on Friday, June 7, when we plan to saturate Twitter with tweets about Trayvon, the June 10 Hoodie Day and our hash tags.
Take pictures of yourself and your friends wearing hoodies-share the pictures on Instagram and on Facebook, and share links to the pictures on Twitter. Also send them in to the Stop Mass Incarceration Network (stopmassincarceration@gmail.com) to be posted up on its web site.
Download the flyers from the Stop Mass Incarceration Network web site (www.stopmassincarceration.org) and post them on your Facebook pages, Instagram and Tumblr.
For more information and to join in this struggle contact: Stop Mass Incarceration Network ~
347-979-SMIN (7646), stopmassincarceration@gmail.com,
National Website: www.stopmassincarceration.org, @stopmassincnet
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