Connecting the revolution with outrage and protests around the country
July 22, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |
Immediately after the verdict of "not guilty" was announced for Trayvon Martin's killer, people took to the streets that very night in cities across the country in protest against this outrage. And more protests were called for. We will be posting reports of these actions here as we receive them from readers. Send reports, photos, and calls for further protests to
Posts updated July 24, 2013
"Twelve signs that You Might be a CREEPY-ASS-CRACKA"

PDF of artwork created by a reader of
Right-click here to download for print.
Chicago—"We must make this into the first day of the beginning of the end of this system"
July 20—Revolutionaries, including people from the Revolution Club, went out to the thousands of people who packed Federal Plaza at the "Justice for Trayvon" rally in downtown Chicago to bring the message: "The Whole Damn System Is Guilty! Now is the Time to Stand up: We Need Revolution— Nothing Less!"
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Thousands Call for Justice for Trayvon in Downtown Detroit
July 20—Today in Detroit, the Justice for Trayvon rally called by National Action Network brought out thousands of people filling the downtown block and a flatbed truck of ministers and other speakers blocking the street in front the Department of Injustice building. I missed the beginning and speeches, but later, one of the main organizers saw me and, shouting "there's the revolutionaries," shook my hand and took my last poster. He said he would post it in his church.
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Youth in LA’s Crenshaw District Join Struggle
We are all Trayvon! The whole damn system is guilty!
On Monday night July 15, LAPD chief Beck sent out a tweet that began with the sentence “Violence is never the answer”! This as LAPD helicopters, 350 cops in riot gear, scores of police cruisers surrounded and blocked off Crenshaw Blvd....
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After the Verdict: Anger and Defiance in Sanford
July 13-14—Hundreds of people gathered in front of the Seminole County Criminal Justice Center on Saturday as the jury deliberated the verdict. The crowd was multinational and consisted of many, many people from other parts of Florida and many people from various states who were vacationing in Florida but felt compelled to change their plans and be a part of the demonstration. Many people had their children with them.
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East Oakland Response to Zimmerman Trial
Outrage in San Francisco Bay Area
July 13-14: A call for day of/day protests after the Zimmerman verdict came down—for 4 pm at Powell and Market streets in downtown San Francisco and 14th and Broadway in Oakland—had been circulated by the Stop Mass Incarceration Network-Bay Area for the last several weeks. When the verdict came—a little before 7 pm Saturday night—a crew of supporters of Revolution Books Berkeley and the Stop Mass Incarceration Network (SMIN) headed to 14th & Broadway (Oscar Grant Plaza) with a "We Are All Trayvon" banner and other SMIN and revolutionary materials. Some people had already come—one from some 20 miles away. A crowd of 30 gathered, many shocked and sickened by the verdict.
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Los Angeles: Protests through the Night
July 13, evening: People of all nationalities and ages began gathering in Leimert Park in the Crenshaw area of Los Angeles within an hour of the verdict. Anger/disbelief/grief/gut-wrenching pain poured out. A mother and daughter showed up and marched all night, who only a few hours earlier had been crying on the street when they ran into a revolutionary and learned there was something they could do, together with others, to send a message to the world.
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Los Angeles: From Crenshaw to Westlake to Pico/Union—"We must not stop"
July 20—As part of the National Action Network and Million Hoodies Movement in 100 cities, members of the Revolution Club and readers/distributors of Revolution newspaper joined it with our revolutionary materials and our revolutionary swag. We brought placards (made the previous night by volunteers) with the different slogans posted on—including the NEW "3 Strikes" quote by BA, a beautiful (large) banner with the slogan "We are all Trayvon! The Whole Damn System is Guilty!" (that immediately drew attention and appreciation—with people taking pictures, etc.), stickers with this same slogan (and people were encouraged to take stacks of the stickers to distribute to the crowd—as well as wherever they go), Revolution newspaper, and promotional materials for the BA Speaks: Revolution—Nothing Less! film screening (up the street that same day).
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Union Square, New York City, July 14, 2013
Photo: Michael Fleshman/Flickr-NYC
New York: 5,000 Hit the Streets of Manhattan
July 14—5,000 people hit the streets of Manhattan in a wild and winding march demanding Justice for Trayvon Martin. Despite sweltering heat and humidity, thousands were determined to express their outrage at this cold-blooded modern-day lynching and not be deterred by the police....
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Stand with the youth of LA! Justice for Trayvon Martin—we will not accept this verdict.
Come Saturday: BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—Nothing Less!
July 16, 2013: Last night, hundreds of young people were in the streets of South Central Los Angeles expressing their fury. They were outraged about the acquittal of George Zimmerman and defiant in the face of the police who were trying to suppress their protest.
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July 14 Rally and March in Harlem Make a Statement on the Verdict: "Unacceptable!"
On Sunday, the day after the George Zimmerman verdict, people began gathering in front of the Harlem State Office Building well before the 1 pm rally/speakout called for by the Revolution Club and Stop Mass Incarceration Network.
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Detroit: Outrage Expressed in Protest and Culture
Sunday evening, July 14: In the wee hours of the morning, after the verdict, a young socialist posted an event page on Facebook for a rally this evening, Sunday, 7/14. By 4 am, hundreds had committed to come to the rally. Youth who came from neighboring Ann Arbor and other people, looking for something to do, found the event page and tweeted their friends to come. This was definitely a social networking event.
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Chicago: Outpouring of Outrage on the West Side and Downtown
West Side, July 13, evening: On Chicago's West Side at a busy intersection, hundreds of fliers of Carl Dix's statement, "The Response That's Needed—The World We Want To Live In," and stickers of the Trayvon Martin hoodie image were gotten out. People from the neighborhood went out into the street with fliers and stickers, passing them out to cars, while young men hung posters on themselves that read, "We Are ALL Trayvon – the Whole Damn System is Guilty! Get with the Real Revolution." Many people coming through, including people pulling over in their cars, got handfuls of fliers and stickers to get out. People took posters to take home and to take to work. One woman took a poster to put up in her gallery.
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