July 4th in Sanford: "Tension and Restlessness"
July 14, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us
We received the following from a Revolution correspondent who was in Sanford for the opening of the trial of George Zimmerman and is now in Sanford again with a crew of revolutionaries:
We've said it many times, but it is not hyperbole—the eyes of the world truly are on Sanford—especially at this moment. A team of revolutionaries has returned to the city during this crucial moment and I want to give you a taste of what has transpired so far, as well as some of what we're learning. My writing is going to be brief, not because there is little to report, but because there is so much is happening—so much riding on this case.
People's eyes have been obfuscated by the workings of the system, especially through the media. Well-intentioned people who want justice for Trayvon are being led and prepared to compromise, falling in line behind the idea that maybe the prosecution overcharged the case…maybe Zimmerman should have been tried for manslaughter. Once again, BULLSHIT! Zimmerman profiled, targeted and stalked Trayvon with a chambered hollow-point round in his 9mm handgun with the safety off—shot him from intermediate range—and left him for up to 10 minutes bleeding to death in the grass. An intervention of truth and morality are deeply needed.

July 4, 2013 in Sanford, Florida
We decided that we needed to make a splash in Sanford right away. On July 4th thousands of people from around Seminole county gathered at the Riverwalk in downtown Sanford for fireworks and music. We wanted to draw the line in Sanford and challenge people to pick a side: one upholding the right of the Trayvon Martins of this world to live and flourish and, if they are attacked, to have justice... and the other upholding the supposed rights of people like George Zimmerman to kill people like Trayvon with impunity.
We began by raising an enormous banner (7x12ft) right next to a playground and basketball court where youth had gathered to play and families sat to watch fireworks. Immediately people's eyes started to turn. Shyly at first, groups of teenagers, Black and white, walked over and signed the banner and took a We Are All Trayvon—the Whole Damn System is Guilty sticker. A couple of white teenagers came over to challenge us on some of the things they had heard about communism, which led to a deep and thoughtful discussion.
As the evening grew later and the mood began to lull, we decided to light things up with a march and chant through the crowd—right in the middle of the street—right in front of the hundreds waving flags and Sanford residents. We loudly chanted, "Trayvon did not have to die. We all know the reason why—the whole system is guilty!" and "Trayvon Martin, Emmett Till—no more youth getting killed!" Immediately, the crowds heads lifted, Black and white youth, as well as a diverse group of older people smiled and ran to the banner signing their names, buying Revolution, and taking stickers. By the end of the march, nearly 850 bright green We Are All Trayvon stickers glowed in the setting sun. A group of teenage girls danced to the chanting as some yelled out THE WHOLE DAMN SYSTEM IS GUILTY, a message that really seemed to resonate with many of the youth.

July 4, 2013 in Sanford, Florida
We learned that many people are deeply connected with this case; however the stakes are not yet apparent to many. While most agree that Black youth have a target on their back, many do not recognize the widening and legitimizing of this target that would come with a "not guilty" verdict in the Zimmerman trial. However, people do have a feeling that Zimmerman is being set up to walk and it is this point that is leading to a feeling of helplessness. Although, there are these contradictions—there is restlessness and a tension—especially among the youth. Even if they have not been following and analyzing the case closely, it has in many ways exposed the youth to the illegitimacy of the system. There is a deep visceral anger among many people, a feeling of this is the last straw, but how this will manifest itself is not evident. Right now is a crucial time to expose and draw connections for people and expose the true nature of this illegitimate system—but it can't stop there—it is on us revolutionaries to raise people's sights to the fact that—the world does not have to be this way. The role that Revolution newspaper and BA's leadership can play in influencing people to go further, fight harder, and dream is desperately needed in a situation that could potentially push people to demoralization and defeat. What people do over the next few days, here in Sanford, and around the country is incredibly important—history is being made—what we do now matters.
Yesterday was an intense day in the courtroom. Trayvon's mother and brother testified, as well as George Zimmerman's mother. After the trial Revolution was outside the courthouse. I was able to sit down with a woman from Sanford who was in the courtroom. I look forward to sending you her story later.
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