"Y' Ever Notice?"
October 28, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us
→ Ever notice how some people are absolutely certain that you can’t be sure that anything is true?
→ Ever notice how people who say “you can only talk about your own experience” have already talked about other people’s experience the minute they said that?
→ Ever notice how the only college students who think they should change how people think are the ones in marketing?
→ Ever worry that having a brand might make people mistake you for cattle?
→ Ever wonder who wrote your narrative?
→ Ever notice how people who say “I already know all that” really don’t?
→ Ever notice how people who say “I’m good” really aren’t?
→ Ever notice how safety for some means danger for others?
→ Ever wonder why that’s so—or if it has to be that way?
→ Ever notice how people who say “I don’t believe in objective reality” live in it—and often rather comfortably at that?
→ Ever notice how people who accuse you of having no sense of humor get very serious indeed about their right to tell anti-woman, anti-Black, anti-gay, etc. jokes?
→ Ever notice how “feeling funny about participating in ‘someone else’s struggle’” leaves things just as they are?
→ Ever notice how ambivalence has a way of turning into tacit approval?
→ Ever worry that doing good in a bad world just enables the badness to keep going?
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