Cheers for Trayvon Martin Nativity Scene
January 2, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |
From a reader:
Photos: Special to Revolution
Cheers to the United Methodist Church of Claremont, California, who included a bleeding Trayvon Martin in their yearly Christmas nativity scene. In the past the scene has depicted Mary and Joseph as a homeless couple, as Mexicans stopped by the U.S.-Mexico border fence, as Iraq War refugees, and as Mary, by herself, as a Black woman in prison with her baby. In an interview with the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Sharon Rhodes-Wickett, the church’s lead pastor said, “I found this year’s (nativity scene) hard to look at, a young man who’s shot and bleeding to death. But even though I’m uncomfortable with it, that’s the point.”
This scene is coming from the perspective of religious forces with their solution for achieving “social justice.” This is a very good thing they have done, and it should make everyone want to seek out why Trayvon Martin was killed. And this search should lead to how the real solution to ending this madness—of Black and Latino youth being gunned down in the streets by cops and racist vigilantes—is revolution.
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