The Collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheets—and the Urgent Need for Revolution
by Orpheus Reed | June 9, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |
In mid-May, two scientific studies were released that came to the same horrifying conclusion—the immense glaciers in the Amundsen sea sector of West Antarctica are collapsing. The lead author of one of the studies, Eric Rignot, said the glaciers "have passed the point of no return." The melt of these glaciers is predicted to occur over the next 200-500 years.

Photo of the West Antarctic ice shelf. Photo: James Yungel / NASA
These glaciers are truly massive works of nature—as large as the state of Texas, with an average thickness of two miles. The glaciers flow off of the Antarctic land mass and extend as ice shelves into Amundsen Sea. The ice shelves are melting from underneath because of contact with warming ocean waters most likely caused by climate change. According to Rignot, their collapse "appears to be unstoppable." (See sidebar: "Antarctic Ice Sheets and Climate Tipping Points.")
The collapse of West Antarctic ice sheets is a very big deal. The system of capitalism is responsible for warming the globe and transforming the climate by its relentless burning of fossil fuels and mowing down of forests worldwide. This warming now seems the most likely cause of melting of these glaciers, thus guaranteeing a global sea level rise of four feet over the next several centuries from these sheets alone. Even worse, the collapse over the next centuries of these glaciers is very likely to significantly accelerate the melt and potential collapse of other Antarctic ice sheets, leading to a much larger sea level rise. On top of this, there is an acceleration of melting already occurring in the Greenland ice sheets in the Arctic near the North Pole due to climate change.
The melting of these ice sheets will likely necessitate the relocation of tens of millions of people globally. In Bangladesh, for example, scientists have predicted that by 2050, rising sea levels will inundate 17 percent of the land and displace about 18 million people. Beyond this, we now face potential of rising sea levels flooding all the world's coastlines and whole island countries over the next centuries. Think about many of the world's largest cities—New York, Mumbai, Shanghai, Miami, Osaka-Kobe, New Orleans, etc.—threatened with inundation. According to, "Two-thirds of the world's cities have populations of five million or more living in at-risk areas that are less than 10 meters [32.8 feet] above sea level."
More powerful storms caused by climate change will come ashore with devastating surges riding these rising seas. Rich ecosystems in the Arctic and Antarctic that sustain whole peoples and in fact the world's ocean ecosystems are facing degradation and possibly elimination. Humanity and the natural balances of the earth are facing environmental disaster. Faced with this, those in power in the capitalist-imperialist system are doing, and can do, essentially nothing of real substance to deal with this tremendous threat to the very future of our planet's living systems. Instead of immediately moving and mobilizing society to stop and reverse the practices that are causing global warming and climate change, the capitalist world powers do the opposite. They are moving even more urgently to seek and exploit new sources of fossil fuels, ruthlessly seeking to beat each other out for strategic power and control.
At the same time, as this crisis heightens they are increasingly compelled to make some moves to address the situation—like Obama's new regulations to limit emissions from coal—even as these moves don't come anywhere close to what is truly needed to effectively deal with this crisis. Such moves can only take place under capitalism in service of the capitalist mode of production, which is the problem in the first place. What they do flows from and serves their strategic interests—of how to adapt to this crisis and maintain their legitimacy and power in the face of a coming catastrophe.
The lack of a complete and drastic change in direction on the part of these powers in the face of the collapse of the Antarctic ice sheets and other signs of global environmental emergency is a stunning indictment of this system. These capitalist-imperialists cannot be entrusted with the future of the world's people and environment. The collapse of the glaciers in West Antarctica appears inevitable, but the destruction of at least much of our world ecosystems and humanity is not yet inevitable. The collapse of these amazing ice sheets is a clarion call: it makes even clearer the urgent need for revolution at the earliest possible time to bring into the world a new system of socialism heading toward communism. This would allow society to deal in a real way with the environmental emergency—to do all that's possible to prevent the further collapse of world ecosystems as an essential part of liberating humanity.
Read Revolution's special issue on the environment: State of EMERGENCY! The Plunder of Our Planet, The Environmental Catastrophe & The Real Revolutionary Solution for a deep sense of the scope of the developing environmental catastrophe, its roots in the system, and the potential for its resolution through revolution. The Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal) is a concrete plan and vision of how a new society would transform the nightmare of capitalism-imperialism, including bringing about a new relationship between humanity and the planet we live on.
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