1000 Years–$1000 for BA Everywhere
Making the years suffered in the hellholes of this nation count for a radically new world

UPDATE: $3,000 Raised

Go All Out to Raise Funds by the July 4th Weekend

June 20, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us


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BA Everywhere Campaign!

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$3,000 has been raised for 1000 Years–$1000 for BA Everywhere. The “1000 Years$1000 for BA Everywhere” project aims to make the hundreds and thousands of years lost in the hellholes of this nation count for something that really matters: working for a radically new world through donations to BA Everywhere. Ex-prisoners, their families and friends have begun pledging to donate or raise $1 for each year incarcerated, and others are donating to support and multiply these pledges to the BA Everywhere campaign. Read the powerful testimonials and interviews with ex-prisoners and others responding to this call.

BA Everywhere is a major fundraising campaign to project the vision and works of the revolutionary leader, Bob Avakian, society wide. (More information about the BA Everywhere campaign overall and the “1000 Years$1000 for BA Everywhere” project available here.)

A matching pledge of $3,000 will be donated for the "1000 Years–$1,000 for BA Everywhere" project as soon as an additional $1,000 has been raised from among those most impacted by mass incarceration.

The BA Everywhere campaign is calling people to GO WIDELY now through July 4th weekend. Materials are at the BA Everywhere page at revcom.us. And over July 4th weekend, everyone should come together in revolutionary BA Everywhere fundraising picnics and gatherings (see "A Call for Major Events on July 4th Weekend: 'What to the Slave Is Your Fourth of July?'")

Share your experience, accomplishments, and questions by emailing baeverywhere@gmail.com. 


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