July 5, 2015
Background and Perspective:
U.S.-Iran Negotiations Reportedly Coming to a Head
July 6, 2015 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us
Bringing Foward Another Way is an edited version of a talk by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, to a group of Party supporters, in 2006. It is must reading for a serious understanding of what the U.S. "war on terror" is really about and how to bring forward a positive force in the world in opposition to both Western imperialism and Islamic Jihad.
Download PDFNegotiations between Iran and the U.S. and other world powers placing limits on Iran’s nuclear technology are, reportedly, at an important crossroads. According to news reports, Tuesday, July 7, is the target date for wrapping up a deal. So a major agreement could be signed this week. The failure to sign an agreement or the breakdown of the negotiations could also be a major development. These negotiations focus on Iran’s nuclear program, but there is also a major political and strategic dimension for the U.S., Iran, the region, and the world.
Revolution will be closely following these developments, and reporting on them. In the meantime, these two recent Revolution articles remain relevant background analysis:
“U.S. Empire Makes Move to Meet Rising Challenges“
“Missing from the ‘Debate’ over Iran: the Interests of Humanity!“
We also want to continue to direct readers’ attention to Bob Avakian’s Bringing Forward Another Way, which provides an essential framework for understanding the overall situation in the Middle East and beyond—including the U.S.-Iran clash—and the need to act to transform it.
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