Correspondence on Going to NYC for #RiseUpOctober from Bay Area
Donating to Send Families of Police Murder Victims to Rise Up October
August 17, 2015 | Revolution Newspaper |
This anonymous statement that was written and accompanied by a $500 contribution to getting Bay Area family members to #RiseUpOctober.
![Rise Up October 24th logo](../../movement-for-revolution/stop-mass-incarceration/img/Oct24_color_WEB-B_11x17-2-663x1024.jpg)
When some of us heard the voices of the Mothers, Sister, Brother, and Father of young men gunned down by police at the Celebration of their Lives, at South Park recently, we decided to make a donation to Stop Mass Incarceration to help send perhaps one of these family members to New York in October to a national event led by Cornel West and Carl Dix focusing on the brutal violence of police in our society today.
Dionne Smith-Downs, mother of James Rivera, 16 years old, who spoke about only watching on TV the deaths of young black men until the reality landed on her porch, as she put it. Forty-eight bullets fired with military weapons, 18 bullets reaching their target in the body of her son.
Sharon Watkins, her son Phillip shot multiple times, including in his face by two police officers. All he possessed was a small knife.
Cadine Williams whose brother, O’Shaine Evans was murdered within sight of the park from which she was speaking, called for putting aside all differences and showing unity and support if we ever are going to change these situations from happening endlessly to our community.
Laurie Valdez whose partner Antonio Guzman Valdez was murdered by police was there with her son Josiah. She spoke of the effect Antonio’s death had on little Josiah.
Derrick Benson whose brother Darnell was murdered by police while in custody... while in custody no weapons.
One father who was there in response to his daughter Nicole’s seeing a photo two days later taken by Peter Menchini in which her father had the look on his face that forced her to ask the question who was it that died:
He later responded to her... there were so, so many different emotions, at the “Celebration of Life” Nicole , I cried, I laughed, I frowned, I Shouted, I felt weak, I felt strong, I was empowered, I got angry, I was disappointed In myself, I was encouraged, I was enlightened, but most of all I felt love!!! So Baby Girl...Your Dad’s fine!!! But I know now, I can do more!!! Love Baby!!!
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