February 22, 2017
Immediate Release
Revolution Club, Chicago
312 804.9121 Revclub.chi@gmail.com
Trump/Pence regime means a reign of TERROR on top of 400 years of hell for Black people!
The Revolutionary Communist Party has a plan to STOP this!
Interview available immediately with Carl Dix
The Trump/Pence regime has seized on the horror of young Black people killing each other to make Chicago ground zero for an overall offensive against Black people. Trump issued a naked threat, “If Chicago doesn’t fix the horrible carnage going on, I will send in the Feds.”
In response, the Central Committee of the RCP has issued a statement that is being distributed in the 10s of thousands especially on the south and west sides of Chicago; the Revolution Club is opening an organizing center in South Shore with another office to open soon on the west side; Carl Dix*, a founding member of the RCP, has come to Chicago as a spokesperson for the RCP’s plan.
The RCP statement calls out Trump’s stone-cold racist plan: “He promises jobs. In reality, his agents will dole out a few jobs... to buy people as his enforcers. Trump will pull more Black people into the oppressor army to kill other oppressed people. ... But the sharp edge of Trump’s program is sending in the feds to restore ‘law and order.’ In reality this means that the masses of Black people will have no rights whatsoever…
“When Trump says ‘Make America Great Again’ he means fascism, Crimes against humanity including reinstating open white supremacy within America.”
As Carl Dix points out, “What’s driving this is the system’s FEAR that Black people will stand up and resist, influencing others to open their eyes and begin to question the whole system. We have seen this historically and in the last couple of years. I have been part of the powerful upsurges against police murder of Black and Latino people that have rocked this country from Ferguson, Baltimore, to Baton Rouge and most recently in Mt Greenwood in Chicago.”
Bob Avakian of the RCP, the leader of the revolution, has charted a different plan: REVOLUTION. We have the leadership and strategy to see this through to victory and a blueprint for a new society, the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America.
As the RCP statement says, “Right now, the revolution must join with all different kinds of people of many viewpoints to drive out the Trump-Pence fascist regime before it’s too late. We fight this now, urgently, as part of getting ready for revolution.”
The launch of the center in South Shore, 1857 E. 71st St., will be held on Sunday, February 26th at 3 pm. The community is invited. For the press, Carl Dix is available for interviews. This center will be a place where those who are tired of seeing young Black people killed by other young people, who hate the way police unleash terror in our neighborhoods, who want to drive out the Trump-Pence regime and to see an end to all the horrors of this system can get connected with a plan and an organization that’s about doing all that.
* Carl Dix is a representative of the RCP. In 1970 he was part of the Fort Lewis 6, the largest mass refusal by US soldiers of orders to go to Vietnam, and he has spent decades struggling to end the exploitation and oppression this system enforces on humanity.
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