BA Everywhere April 2014
Focus on Earth Day

Updated April 1, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |


A few more specific points on the April fundraising focus…

There should be lots of reaching out very widely to fundraise and promote Bob Avakian among all sections of the people, discussing and struggling over the problem humanity faces in this system and the solution of revolution to emancipate all of humanity as envisioned in the new synthesis of communism developed by BA. In this context, during April the BA Everywhere campaign will have some focus on the Environment and Earth Day, which is April 22. See the article, "Earth Day, BA Everywhere, and the Future of the Planet" for a vision and approach to this.

  • The key and pivotal aspect of how BA Everywhere will be taking this up is going out to meet with as many people as possible about donating to the campaign – bringing out why nothing less than revolution has a chance of really stopping environmental devastation, repairing damage done, and developing an ecologically sustainable economy.

  • Key sections of people and opportunities to focus on – starting now:
    1. Science departments at universities. Go door to door.
    2. Reach beyond who you already know to those deeply concerned with the state of the planet. This could include environmental, science,and nature conservancy groups and organizations – reach out to board members, donors, and their science advisors. And,
    3. Have a presence at and get into the dialogue at key programs that will be held in conjunction with Earth Day. Check out the article above for a list of materials to bring.

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