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"Contribute to BA Everywhere! The World Needs to Be Radically Changed. Here’s Step One."

The work BA has done creates new possibility at an excruciating time for humanity—nothing less than an opening for a visionary and viable future.. The biggest immediate problem right now is that all this is basically not known. It's not on the scene in the way it needs to be—engaged and discussed, popularized and debated. And to solve that problem, there is, right now, a major fundraising campaign to make Avakian's work and leadership known in every corner of society.

If you are seriously concerned about the direction that this capitalist world is heading... if you look for real at current political institutions and processes that offer no fundamental answers to all the misery in the world… you need to check out and engage BA. And, you can contribute to making this known.

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A Mass Campaign to Raise Big Money to Get BA’s Vision and Works Into Every Corner of Society


Taking Up the Campaign—
Wranglings and Direction

Take the BA Everywhere Campaign…
to the People… Everywhere

August 18, 2014

Summer 2014:
Making Advances…Toward Revolution

June 16, 2014

Break ALL the Chains! Bob Avakian on the Emancipation of Women and the Communist Revolution:
This Needs to Get to Thousands of Youth and Prisoners This Summer—Here's How

Updated July 28, 2014


NEW! Correspondence from BA Everywhere Fundraisers:

Reaching Out for BA Everywhere Donations Going Into August 9 Break ALL the Chains! Benefit Events

Updated July 30, 2014

card front: BAsics 3:22

card back: if you're inspired by BAsics 3:22

More on the Materials page.

NEW! Ideas and Thoughts on August 9th – Correspondence from a Reader

July 28, 2014

BAsics 3:22, the new publication of BA's Break ALL the Chains and the BA Everywhere Campaign

July 28, 2014

The BA Everywhere Campaign announces:

August 9, 2014
Celebrations of the Determination to Break ALL the Chains

Updated July 16, 2014

From: BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian:

You cannot break all the chains, except one. You cannot say you want to be free of exploitation and oppression, except you want to keep the oppression of women by men. You can’t say you want to liberate humanity yet keep one half of the people enslaved to the other half. The oppression of women is completely bound up with the division of society into masters and slaves, exploiters and exploited, and the ending of all such conditions is impossible without the complete liberation of women. All this is why women have a tremendous role to play not only in making revolution but in making sure there is all-the-way revolution. The fury of women can and must be fully unleashed as a mighty force for proletarian revolution.
BAsics 3:22

If this moves you, if this provokes you to think about why women are under such vicious assault here and around the world and what it will take for half of humanity to be treated as full people...
you are invited to a cultural celebration on August 9, 2014, a day inspired by the quote above: “You cannot break all the chains, except one,” from the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian (BA).
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Building the August 9, 2014 Break ALL the Chains Celebrations, and Raising Funds & Involving People in the BA Everywhere Campaign

Updated July 16, 2014

Accompanying this article is a compelling vision of Break ALL the Chains celebrations to bring a broad range of people together on August 9, 2014 at the mid-point of the BA Everywhere summer campaign and to celebrate the publication of Break ALL the Chains! Bob Avakian on the Emancipation of Women and the Communist Revolution. In this article we want to share a basic conception of how these events and the BA Everywhere campaign should be built over the next four weeks.
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New BA Everywhere Resource!

The BA Everywhere campaign is introducing a new design for palm cards of quotes from Bob Avakian's book BAsics starting with the quote 3:16, where BA speaks to those the system has cast off. The quote is on one side and the otherside has information about how to be involved in and donate to the 1000 Years–$1000 for BA Everywhere project.

Expect to see here, very soon, more quote cards from BAsics designed to direct many people to information about BA's work and the BA Everywhere campaign. Next we will be posting a design for the BAsics 3:22 "You Can't Break All the Chains But One," so these can be produced as part of plans for the August 9th "Break ALL the Chains Day" being called by the BA Everywhere campaign. These designs will be created in color for higher-quality palmcards (this new card is 5"x7") and also in black and white for lower-cost flyers that can be run off on home computers or at local copy stores.

These cards are for MANY people to take stacks of and distribute wherever they are over the summer; they are for all kinds of people to distribute where potential donors can be found: at events, concerts, campuses, to organizations concerned with the outrages this system is subjecting people to; and to get out in neighborhoods from those of the basic people to where better-off people live. And they are for people to use to introduce friends, coworkers and relatives to BA and the BA Everywhere campaign. As BA says,

"[W]hat about BA Everywhere—whom should we be working to involve in that? Everyone who agrees—or can be won to see—that it is very important that what is represented by BA/the new synthesis become a major point of reference, and subject of discussion and debate, throughout society, can and should be involved in and contribute, in various ways, to BA Everywhere...."   —From the ADDENDUM, 2014, Basic Orientation Regarding the Two Mass Initiatives (and the Overall Ensemble of Revolutionary Work) to The Mass Initiatives and Their Relation to Our Strategic Objectives

Read more about the 1000 Years–$1000 for BA Everywhere project.

Updated July 12, 2014

July 4th Weekend of Revolutionary Events

Come one! Come all! to the July 4th Picnics Hosted by BA Everywhere!

June 23, 2014

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List of Events Across the Country

Download "What to the Slave is Your
Fourth of July" flyer: English | Spanish

1000 Years – $1000 for BA Everywhere
UPDATE: First $3,000 Raised

Go All Out to Raise Funds by the July 4th Weekend

Updated June 22, 2014

BA Everywhere Fundraising Remarks

"Without any further delay, the people need to get connected with BA"

June 21, 2014

I want to urge everyone here, people from all walks of life, to dig deep into your pockets and donate big funds to the BA Everywhere campaign. If $20 is what you can give, that is good; and if it's $1000 or more that you can afford, that is fine too. At this moment BA Everywhere is critical to advancing the movement for revolution and projecting the vision and leadership of BA on the widest scale possible. This is crucial for people here and throughout the world, as the first step in changing the world.

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1000 Years-$1000 for BA Everywhere Project:
Donor Will Match First $3000

Updated June 16, 2014

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A Call for Major Events on July 4th Weekend


June 9, 2014

In 1852, the escaped slave and freedom fighter Frederick Douglass gave a powerful, historic speech condemning the hypocrisy of America. Douglass exposed how the vaunted "greatest democracy in the world" had built its wealth on the enslavement of Africans and their descendants, and called for the abolition of this slavery.

Today, 162 years later, chattel slavery is no longer the law of the land (though millions worldwide are still enslaved, in ways that indirectly and often directly feed into and benefit the American empire). Yet today....

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Suggestions For Fundraising Letters for the BA Everywhere Campaign, June 2014

June 9, 2014

Updated note from May 1, 2014

The Importance of Ongoing Fundraising

June 9, 2014

The "1000 Years – $1000 for BA Everywhere" theme will be an important focus of BA Everywhere fundraising through June... The first $1000+ has been successfully raised! Now, BA Everywhere Committees should make plans for reaching beyond those most directly impacted by the crime of mass incarceration, sit down with those who are horrified by and do not want to be complicit with, a country that jails and dehumanizes whole generations of its youth on a scale never before seen in history.

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From the Hellholes of a Nation of Cages: A Call to Contribute to Human Emancipation

1000 Years—$1000 for BA Everywhere

May 1, 2014

This is a call to people from all walks of life to contribute to "1000 Years—$1000 for BA Everywhere," a project of the BA Everywhere campaign to make the hundreds and thousands of years suffered in the hellholes of this nation of prisons count for something that will really matter: working for a radically new world. This is a call to prisoners, ex-prisoners, families and friends of individuals locked up in the massive prison system in America, along with everyone from all walks of life who feels that living in a society that throws millions of its people into cages for decades is completely intolerable. This is a call to raise one dollar and many more for each year our people have been incarcerated, for the BA Everywhere Campaign—a campaign to make a very big difference.

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BA Everywhere: April 2014

Climate Change and Changing the Whole Political Atmosphere

April 7, 2014

This is a moment when if you have your eyes open to the world, the stark reality of the wanton destruction of the planet stands out as so big, so criminal, so outrageously dangerous, that you just want to scream. This is a moment, a month, to reach out broadly with the full vision and understanding of the system that underlies all the problems humanity faces, and the liberating way forward and to find the ways to involve them in the BA Everywhere Campaign.

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To all who are taking up the BA Everywhere Campaign:

A Few Points on Reaching Out Now: the Environmental Emergency and BA Everywhere

April 14, 2014

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A Model Fundraising Letter for the BA Everywhere Campaign, April 2014

April 14, 2014

We are posting this letter developed by several people working on raising funds for BA Everywhere. We thought this will be helpful as one model in reaching out to sit down during April with many people who are deeply concerned about the environmental crisis. This isn't intended as one-size-fits-all – it can be edited and personalized. We would welcome seeing other letters people have developed.

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From Someone Working on BA Everywhere

An Observation on Framework vs. Framework

January 27, 2014

It is often a struggle to get people to more systematically walk through what we, the revolutionaries, are actually talking about, working on, and where in reality that vision and strategy comes from AND CAN GO—in the way that the many particular parts of the REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! speech and the speech as a whole does. And also conversely, they often do not approach what they think about how the world changes, can be changed, or should be changed as A THEORY—a framework for how and what they think about and advocate for—whether it’s nonviolence as an absolute moral value, or “radical feminism,” or Occupy-ism, etc…

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Earth Day, BA Everywhere,
and the Future of the Planet

March 24, 2014

If you are one of those honestly confronting this global emergency and agonizing over what can be done to stop and repair the damage, you need to know about and get into BA and his work. On April 22, people everywhere on the globe will mark Earth Day, and the “BA Everywhere... Imagine the Difference It Could Make” campaign will be there.

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BA Everywhere April 2014

Focus on Earth Day

Updated April 1, 2014

A few more specific points on the April fundraising focus…

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Spring into BA Everywhere!

A plan to make a leap in changing the world

March 10, 2014

Looking to the coming months to reach many people and inspire and involve them in contributing to BA Everywhere—the campaign to raise big money so that Bob Avakian and the vision, framework and strategy for a radically new society concentrated in the new synthesis of communism that he has brought forward becomes known throughout society.

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What goes into a fundraising meeting

We Are Aiming to Meet With Many, Many People

March 27, 2014

We should be sitting down with many, many people, asking them to donate to and be a part of the BA Everywhere Campaign, a major, multi-faceted fundraising campaign to project Bob Avakian, his voice and his work way out into society. We are out to set up meetings with people from all walks of life – from those just scraping to get by, to students and professionals, to people with a lot of money.

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We received this letter reflecting on some work taking out the BA Everywhere Campaign

Listening & Learning – Changing Our Approach & Changing People's Thinking

March 25, 2014

We’ve had some important experience in reaching out to people who came to the premiere of BA Speaks: REVOLUTION – NOTHING LESS! or who have seen the film, or parts of the film, in the last year since it premiered. We’ve also worked at changing our approach in significant ways and this has had an impact – and we’re learning a lot more about the people we’re reaching out to in the process.

One thing we did is break out of a more passive approach to this outreach....

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Two Letters to Send Far and Wide for the March 2014 BA Everywhere Campaign

Updated March 17, 2014

March 27-30: National Fundraising Weekend for BA Everywhere!

Why? Because the people need to know there is a radically better way the world could be.

Because people need to experience: BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS!

This will be a weekend of national fundraising for BA Everywhere with a concentration on utilizing and popularizing the film BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! Bob Avakian Live!

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Revolution—Nothing Less! Van Tour in Washington Heights, New York, Summer 2013

Moving Ahead with BA Everywhere—Imagine the Difference It Could Make

The BA Everywhere—Imagine the Difference It Could Make!campaign—is the leading edge of a whole movement for revolution, a national fundraising campaign to raise really massive sums of money, involving growing numbers of people, so that BA becomes a household word, so that the vision and framework of the new synthesis of communism is known throughout the country, reaching around the world. So that BA and the revolutionary vision and framework he has developed becomes a contending pole for a liberatory new society arrayed up against the killing program and oppressive reality that people live today.

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Thoughts, Wranglings, Lessons, and Getting Out into the World with BA Everywhere

In this issue of are two thought-provoking letters about the BA Everywhere campaign that in different ways grapple with how raising funds to make Bob Avakian and the work he has done known throughout society can make a real difference in how people understand the world and how they can act together to change it. Read More

Some Thoughts About BA Everywhere as “the Leading Edge...”

... This really is Step One to radically changing the world. And when we put that to people that way, it challenges how they look at the world, and they have to decide: am I going to be part of this or not. Read More

House Party for BA Everywhere

Some people at the fundraising dinner had been born, or had lived in, countries in North Africa and the Middle East. A very sharp question at the dinner was how are we going to break through a situation where “two outmodeds” oppose each other as well as reinforce each other? Read More

BA Everywhere: A Call to Go Forward in 2014

BA Everywhere – Imagine the Difference It Could Make!
Why and how it is key to changing the world—to making revolution

Letter from a reader

“Really the world is a pretty good place.”. . . “C’mon man. . . It’s a nightmare, but it doesn’t have to be this way.”

"I had a recent discussion about BA Everywhere that I wanted to share with your readers... This was a brief exchange with someone who is propertied and I thought was a good example of how you can join – very briefly – the differences people are raising and bring it back to the need for BA Everywhere."
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Raising Funds for BA Everywhere from Recent Donors to the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride

I explained that I’d like our conversation to get into the relationship between the Mass Initiative to End Pornography & Patriarchy: The Enslavement & Degradation of Women and BA Everywhere. They said that sounded good and agreed to meet.

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Letter from a reader

Goingto Wealthy People with Bob Avakian's Vision of a Whole Different World—And Raising Really Large Funds

"I want to start a conversation with all who have dreamed of a whole different world, with everyone who has begun to get familiar with Bob Avakian and the new synthesis of communism and is beginning to imagine how this could change society if BA's vision and work were to be known everywhere: on the campuses, in the housing projects, artists, intellectuals, professionals—people from all strata—including the very wealthy—who aspire to and desire a better world for all...."
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Letter from a reader

Will People Go for Something That Will Disrupt Their Whole Lives?

"Recently, I was in a discussion with some people about the BA Everywhere campaign and one of the questions posed was: Is it really possible to win over people with a lot of means to support this campaign? Are people going to give money to a movement going for changing all of society? Will people donate to a campaign that will disrupt their whole lives?..."
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Letter from a reader

On a Mission to Raise Big Funds for BA Everywhere

"I was very excited by the editorial in last week’s Revolution newspaper, “November and December: Time to Raise Big Funds for BA Everywhere,” about the major campaign to raise big funds to project Bob Avakian’s vision and works into every corner of society, and wanted to share what we’re doing in my city to apply it."
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November and December

The Time to Raise Big Funds for BA Everywhere

Announcing two months of major fundraising for BA Everywhere... Imagine the Difference It Could Make—aiming now through the end of the year to begin to raise funds on a level that can begin to get BA Everywhere—for real.
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Who is Bob Avakian?

BA on BA

BAsics 6:11

"Why am I—why is my body of work, and method and approach—important? Because this is bringing forward an advanced understanding, a heightened understanding, of what revolution and communism are all about and how to move toward the objective of revolution and communism, as well as a method for engaging and struggling through the contradictions that are inevitably going to be encountered in that process....

If we are in fact being guided by the scientific understanding that human society needs to, and can, advance to communism, that the struggle to achieve this objective must be the conscious act of masses of people, on the one hand, while at the same time this must have, and has no prospect of being realized without, leadership—leadership that, in relation to this goal, embodies the most advanced understanding and methodology..."
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Cornel West on BA

"My dear brother Bob Avakian... is the Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party.... He is one of the few coming out of the 60's who never sold out, he never caved in, he never gave up, held on to his forging of a rigorous, scientific analysis of the objective realities that are driven by a revolutionary love – because he has such a deep love for poor people, oppressed people, all around the world. Whether you agree or disagree with our brother, one thing you cannot deny: that he is the real thing. No doubt about it."

Cornel West, introducing his interview with Bob Avakian on the Smiley & West radio show (October 5, 2012)

Who is BA?

"In Bob Avakian, the Chairman of our Party, we have the kind of rare and precious leader who does not come along very often. A leader who has given his heart, and all his knowledge, skills and abilities to serving the cause of revolution and the emancipation of humanity. Bob Avakian came alive as a revolutionary in the 1960s..."

additional reading