February 6 March of Stolen Lives Braves Massive Police Intimidation

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Robin Glenn (left), aunt of "Jody" Mac Woodfox and Sonya Wahnee (center) mother of Andrew Moppin. Jody and Andrew were killed by the same Oakland cop.

Sonya: "We are proud native people. Last year Andrew was killed, murdered, on a dark street, shot in the back eight times. We got to go on raising his two babies without their mother or their father. It's been hard for us. This is his sister. She wants to know why her brother was killed. Why was [the cop] put back to do it again?"

Robin: "We want to know why the officer was put back on the streets so my nephew was killed six months later by the same officer who killed her son? My nephew had three children. They want to know why too. Why aren't they going to be able to see their father? We want justice done TODAY. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!"