March 27-30

Experience the Film:
Be a Part of and Donate to BA Everywhere!

Updated March 25, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |


“We need a new world, a radically different world.” With these words, Bob Avakian began "A Call to Revolution" on New Year's Day 2014. This is real—the need and the possibility. If you honestly confront the extreme situation that humanity faces—the tremendous horrors that people endure and the catastrophic devastation of the planet—the need for fundamental radical change aches your heart.

If you feel this way, if you want to know what this new society could be and how we could get there, you must see BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS!—a film of a pathbreaking talk by Bob Avakian (see centerfold). Bob Avakian lays it out straight up and full out—the problem humanity faces in the ruthless capitalist-imperialist system, and the solution, a radically new, better society that really could be, through revolution, and nothing less.

You can be a part of changing the world by taking up the campaign “BA Everywhere...Imagine the Difference It Could Make!” to raise big funds so that “BA”—short for Bob Avakian—becomes a household word, so that people in every corner of society can know about, discuss, and debate the vision, framework and strategy that BA has brought forward. From Thursday, March 27, through Sunday, March 30, the nationwide BA Everywhere Campaign invites you to be a part of a weekend of reaching out to and involving people in making a big deal out of the film, BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS!... to join us in raising funds so that this film is widely known and available; so that people find out about, donate to, and can become a part of the BA Everywhere Campaign.

Bob Avakian came out of the struggles of the 1960s, working closely with the Black Panther Party and other radical movements of the times. Coming off that era, he led in forming the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. After the '60s ebbed, and after the great socialist revolutions of the 20th century in the Soviet Union and China were defeated decades ago, Bob Avakian did not give up. He went to work to learn from those first socialist revolutions and from humanity's experience more broadly, to develop a new synthesis of communism—a deeper, even more scientific understanding of the methods, the goals, the strategy and plan for making revolution and creating a new society.

He has developed a vision and viable framework for a new society that is working to overcome and dig up the roots of all the forms of exploitation and savage inequality that people suffer from today; where wars of plunder and subjugation of nations and cultures are no more; where a new constitution would require safeguarding the environment. All in a framework that gives great scope to intellectual work, ferment, and dissent so that people could consciously and collectively strive for a world where all humanity could flourish.

People need to know about this. So that this radical vision and strategy of how the world could be becomes a contending pole throughout society... so that when people are profoundly outraged by the horrific situation and the oppressive, paltry, and police-state political solutions put forward by the system, they know about and are able to weigh all that up against the possibility of a far better world through revolution that BA has brought forward.

For BA to become a household word... for the film BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! to be known and seen by tens of thousands, requires serious money. Asking for funds is giving people an opportunity to make a difference. There is nothing more real than this plan and vision that BA has brought forward, to emancipate all humanity by getting rid of the system that oppresses people and is destroying the environment. There is nothing more unrealistic than thinking you can fix this system, which has shown over and over again for hundreds of years that it functions only through exploitation and brutal oppression. Working to raise funds to change the whole world, doing this together with others across the country—with youth and families struggling in the projects, with ex-prisoners and those still inside; with all who catch the hardest hell; with students and professors; with professionals and even wealthy people who do not want to live in a world as unjust as this; with all nationalities and ages—working in common cause, contributing in different ways: baking cookies, having a yard sale, screening the film in a courtyard of a project, or holding a high-priced salon or dinner party to raise large funds—all of this builds a unique community that matters.

On Thursday and Friday, March 27 and 28, take the BA Everywhere campaign out to colleges and high schools. Bring the film on a portable DVD player if you can. Download the leaflet for the campaign and get some palm cards for the film at the BA Everywhere page at And discuss with the students and teachers that they can be about more than trying to do good in a bad world, but instead they can be part of bringing into being a radically better world.

Over the weekend of March 29 and 30, reach out to everyone you know. Find out about fundraising outreach organizing in your area. Come to the picnic or BA Everywhere dinner if there is one near you. Check with a Revolution Books store near you or at to connect up and for a schedule of activities near you.

Show, spread, get into, and raise funds utilizing the DVD BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! This film can transform how people see the world and what they think is possible. A young Latina said after seeing the film: “...when I saw it, it changed the way I looked at everything... music, shows, commercials, ads. I just started seeing all the fucked up shit they promote and it made me want to challenge all that and not go along with any of it.”

If you want to be about something positive—the most positive thing there can be... get into BA and be part of and donate to BA Everywhere. If you want to be about more than just yourself and want to contribute to changing things for people all around the world... get into BA and be part of and donate to BA Everywhere. If you want to go up against all the lies and dishonesty in the world with sharp truth-telling, passion, and honesty... get into BA and be part of and donate to BA Everywhere. If you have a heart and a conscience, big questions and big dreams and yearn for the whole society to rock once again with the potential for fundamental change and the vision of revolution ... get into BA, experience the film BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS!, and BE A PART OF AND DONATE TO BA EVERYWHERE!


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