Cornel West Opened My Eyes ... Bob Avakian Has Gotten My Attention

Responding to the announcement of
Revolution and Religion: A Dialogue Between Cornel West and Bob Avakian

September 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |


I would like to go to New York. First, because I have a lot of respect for Cornel West. I've heard one of his talks, at one of the big churches down on Wilshire; he was talking with Tavis Smiley. And I like what he had to say about poor people and about Obama's non-action. I know everybody thinks he's a messiah for Black people; and I did too when I voted for him.

Cornel opened my eyes... he brings it to reality. I'm not no great Christian, but he brings it down factual; the dirt, and the tricks, and the things this system does in America. And gives you a little humor with it.

Avakian I've never heard personally. I've gotten some of his videos. From his videos, and what I've read of him, he's a... I'm not communist—but I'm not anti-communist.... He's gotten my attention because he talks about the welfare of the people. All the people.

71-year-old Black man from South Central Los Angeles

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