Reggae 4 Resistance Raises Funds for Battle to Free David “Iggy” Rucker, Alfredo Reyes, and Grant Newburger
September 9, 2015 | Revolution Newspaper |

HEAVYWEIGHTDUB! with Grant and Iggy.
Photo: Special to
HEAVYWEIGHTDUB! – Chicago’s finest Dub Reggae Band – rocked the house on August 26 for over three hours, raising money and spirits for the battle to free David “Iggy” Rucker, Alfredo Reyes, and Grant Newburger. Over $1,000 was raised to help pay legal expenses.
The three were arrested at protests last fall demanding NO MORE police murders of Black and Brown people, and are charged with vindictive felony counts carrying potential prison terms of seven years. The authorities are trying to send a message that this is what you will face for speaking out and protesting against police murder, for being a revolutionary, for standing with those on the bottom of society. (For more on the case, go to
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Another message was sent by everyone who was part of this successful fundraiser. Here’s what HEAVYWEIGHTDUB! had to say:
“As a band, we understand the important role music plays in the struggle against oppression. We come from different backgrounds but we all felt it was important to support these defendants and to try to uplift the spirit of their supporters and others involved in the Black Lives Matter movement. We picked a side a long time ago and HEAVYWEIGHTDUB!'s music stands firmly with the masses of oppressed people worldwide.”
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