Questions and answers on getting organized for an actual revolution

May 30, 2016 | Revolution Newspaper |


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Listen to audio of the Message, recorded by members of the Revolution Club

Question: Why do we not initiate violence during this period when we are carrying out the “three prepares”—why do we not just “get it on,” and try to bring down this system, right now?

Answer: Because we are serious about revolution, and we are proceeding according to a strategic approach to bringing about an actual revolution, working to hasten and prepare for the time when a revolutionary situation has been brought into being—when there is a deep revolutionary crisis throughout society and among the powers that be, and there is a revolutionary people in the millions and millions—and we do not intend to make it easier for the vicious ruling class of this system, and its violent machinery of oppression and repression, to crush us and the movement for revolution we are building, before it is time to go for the whole thing, with a real chance of winning.

Question: Aren’t Ferguson and Baltimore examples of the people initiating violence?

Answer: NO. These are examples of the people, masses of people, rising up in response to violence initiated and perpetrated against them by the police and the system that the police enforce.




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