Get Into the Revolution National Organizing Campaign and Tour Representatives Arrested at Anti-Trump Demonstration Today

November 12, 2016 | Revolution Newspaper |



In Chicago, for the fourth day in a row, people have taken to the streets to protest Trump. Overall, there have been few arrests. The Get Into the Revolution National Organizing Tour and the Revolution Club have been targeted for arrest. Two members of the tour were arrested toward the start of today’s protest for doing agitation on a sound system calling on people to refuse to accept a fascist America. Lucha was speaking to some of the thousands of young people who have been compelled to take to the streets, many for the first time, as they make their rejection of Trump known. The person holding the sound system was also arrested and the sound system confiscated (use of sound is legal). The charges and bail are not known at this time. (See the video). Call the Chicago Police Department 1st District headquarters (312-745-4290) and the mayor’s press office (312-744-3334) and demand release of the two protesters arrested this morning while protesting Trump’s election.

Also, Thursday, Iggy of the Revolution Club was arrested for telling a cop “this is a peaceful protest” and held overnight before he was bailed out.

Funds are urgently needed for the tour and the Revolution Club(s) to be in the mix of this enormously important outpouring of struggle against Trump election. Please donate now. Click here to support GET INTO THE REVOLUTION NATIONAL ORGANIZING CAMPAIGN AND TOUR.

Volunteers Needed... for and Revolution

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