Message on Donating to the Revcoms:
“The world needs the Revcoms here in this country now more than ever”



From a woman who donated to the Tour during the livestream:

By now those of us who fit the profile for receiving the first round of stimulus checks (not an immigrant nor married to one, not too poor, have a child of the appropriate dependency, access to the technology and the trust to file online and set up direct deposit, not a senior, not disabled etc.) have also received our signed letter from Trump praising us for being good Americans and accepting these funds from his generosity. Many of us want to or already have burned this letter on arrival. Many of us would give this money up in an instant if it could bring back the over 50,000 Covid-19 deaths in the last two months. This is not possible, but we can distribute this money in ways that ensure their deaths are not in vain. Donating to Revcoms puts those funds to addressing the root cause of these deaths, which fundamentally is the capitalist system. Every one of these deaths has a story behind them, every story will reflect the inequality of our healthcare, the horrors of institutional racism, the living conditions of the poor, the desperation of the immigrants, the anti-science thinking at all levels of the government, and the unsustainable relationship America has with the entire planet and our own resources. Consider that as much as Trump hates the New York Times, he would find new depths of hatred to address the Revcoms. Revcom brings another level of exposure, analysis, and connection that the New York Times will never reach. People need this revolutionary exposure, analysis connection, and the heart and inspiration being brought forward through the videos, articles, posters, phone calls, and in person where safety precautions are met. The world needs the Revcoms here in this country now more than ever.

Thank you.

Ways to Donate to the National Revolution Tour:

  • The National Revolution Tour now has Venmo: “@RevolutionTour”
  • Write in to getorganizedforrevolutiontour (at), let us know if you are taking up collections, or to send statements.
  • Or call (323) 245-6947
  • Or send a check or money order, payable to RCP Publications and earmark it for National Revolution Tour. Mail to:
    • RCP Publications
      Box 3486, Merchandise Mart
      Chicago, IL 60654-0486




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