RW/OR #803, April 23, 1996

A World To Win:
Rally To The Defence
Of Our Red Flag Flying In Peru!

A Call by the Commitee of the
Revolutionary Internationalist Movement to
Step Up Support for the Communist Party of Peru
and the People's War

For fourteen years the Communist Party of Peru, a participating party of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, has led broad masses to rise up in arms, defy the rule of the reactionary classes and their imperialist overlords, and wrest political power, bit by bit, for the proletariat and the Peruvian people as part of the whole world proletarian revolution. Those who yearn for an end to exploitation and oppression the world over have correctly seen this People's War as a beacon pointing the direction forward and as living proof of the truth, vitality and power of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, especially when wielded by a vanguard proletarian party and taken up by growing numbers of masses transforming it into a tremendous material force.

These great accomplishments of the revolutionary people of Peru, achievements wrenched from the enemy through fierce struggle andgreat sacrifice and blood of the communist fighters, workers and peasants of Peru, are under attack, not only from the savage efforts of the reactionary regime aided by international imperialism, but also from a line which emerged from within the PCP itself calling for the abandonment of the People's War.

We call upon the Marxist-Leninst-Maoist parties and organisations, class conscious proletarians and all revolutionary fighters to close ranks with the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement and urgently step up their activities in support of the People's War in Peru, to fight against the erroneous line, defend the revolution in Peru from all attacks and support the Central Committee of the PCP, which has been leading the People's War, and to even better fulfill our proletarian internationalist duties.

The great advances and the contributions of this people's War and of the PCP to the world revilution struck telling blows at the reactionary ruling class in Peru and its imperialist masters, in particular the Yankee imperialists.

The enemies reacted by intensifying their counterinsurgency against the People's War and their repression of the masses of Peru. They carried this out in genocidal dimensions-- in massacres, as well as "disappearances", fo masses in the countryside and the cities and mass murders of imprisoned revolutionary fighters. Still, the People's War continued to advance and by the early part of this decade the imperialists and reactionaries began to speak openly of the danger, for them, of this Maoist people's War actually winning complete victory and seizing nationawide power in Peru. Reacting according to their nature, the imperialists and the ruling classes in Peru, working through the Fujimori regime, carried out a coup representing a further concentration of reactionary state power in the hands of the executive and the armed forces. They stepped up the repression of the masses and their revolutionary leadership, as well as the exploitation of the workers and peasants in general. This took concentrated form in the attemptto decapitate the leadership of the PCP and the People's War. In September of 1992, this led to the capture of Chairman Gonzalo, the main leader of the PCP. A number of other important leaders of the PCP have also been captured and/or killed in the last several years. Chairman Gonzalo, in his historic and inspiring 24 September 1992 speech from the cage in which the Fujimori regime had presented him to the world media, declared that his capture was but a bend in the road in the revolutionary struggle and that the People's War must continue until final victory, in the intersts of the masses in Peru and in the service of the world proletarian revolution. He spoke to the importance of developing Marsixt-leninist-Maoist parties around the world, called particular attention to the role of RIM, and emphasized the prospect and the need for Maoism to be the commander and guide of a gathering wave of world revolution.

Despite this bend in the road, the People's War continued. Reaffirming the Party's basis of unity and reinforced by Chairman Gonzalo's speech, the Communist Party of Peru, led by its Central Committee, with firmness in principle and flexibility in tactics, beat back the enemies' efforts to crush the revolution, and developed the People's War under these new conditions, maintaining the Party, the People's Liberation Army and the core of the base areas. Internationally, RIM launched a worldwide campaign to Defend the Life of Chairman Gonzalo which mobilized tens of thousands of revolutionaries and progressives on all continents whose actions struck at the Fujimori regime and its U.S. masters and gave heart to the struggling people of Peru.

It was in this contest that, one year later, a call was issued for nogotiations to "reach a peace accord to put an end to thirteen years of People's War", which the Fujimori regime attributed to Chairman Gonzalo. The Central Committee of the PCP pledged to carry forward the war and denounced the regime for fabricating a hoax.(1) A group of people historically asociated with the PCP, centred mainly in the prisons but finding at least some support from PCP members and sympathizers outside of prison and abroad, called upon the whole Party to "fight for a peace accord". it thus quickly became apparent that a crucial two-line struggle had erupted within the PCP, focusing on the question of a peace accord but involving a whole series of questions facing the revolution in Peru and the world. This initial evaluation was further reimforced by the appearance of documents with alarming arguments that went against basic Marxist-Leninist-Maoist principles and against established positions of RIM.(2)

Since the communist movement is always an international movement the outbreak of the two-line struggle affecting the most important struggle in the world today could not help but have serious implications for RIM. This is all the more true since the PCP has contributed greatly to the political and ideological development of RIM itself, especially in the recently culminated struggle to adopt and unite around Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Indeed, this two-line struggle represents the most important struggle that our Movement had faced since its formation in 1984. A line struggle whose resolution not only determines the future development of the revolution in Peru but has great consequences for RIM and the whole international communist movement.

In these circumstances it was incumbent upon RIM not only to continue its support for the People's War in Peru but also to join this two-line struggle: to undertake the necessary investigation, study, discussion and struggle to achieve a correct and comprehensive understanding of all the questions involved and onthat basis render the most powerful support to the Marxist-Leninst-Maoist line and comrades carrying it forward in Peru.

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism had to be applied to the questions involved in the struggle. This included a study of the history of negotiations in theinternational communist movment -- both positive and negative examples -- as well as a study of ways other than negotiations through which the communist movement has responded to important twists and turns in the revolutionary struggle. It has been necessary to deeply study and apply the basic Marxist-Leninst-Maoist principles of people's war. On this basis, the Committee of RIM (CoRIM) established the two basic criteria for evaluating a call for a peace accord:

Do the proposed negotiations serve the task of seizing political power through revolutionary wargare, regardless of what stages or turns this warfare may go through, or are they aimed at returning to the pre-war situation of l980 -- a protracted period in which no revolutionary armed struggle existed?

While certain compromises may prove to be necessary, do the proposed negotiations safeguard the "fundamental interests of the people" referred to by Mao, that is, the essential core of people's power and the revolutionary armed forces?(3)

With these two criteria in mind a many-sided investigation was undertaken, going as throroughly as possible into a number of questions: