Revolution #152, January 11, 2009

What difference will sustaining this newspaper make?

Well, look around—and ask yourself this:

Will it make a difference if people are able to be exposed to the truth—the unvarnished, actual TRUTH—about Israel and Palestine? About the crimes going on right now, and why they’re going on...and continue to go on? About the real role of the U.S. in all that and how the current criminal attack by Israel fits into larger imperial strategies in the region, and the world?  And, on the other hand, will it make a difference if the only things people hear and read are the “official narrative”—or half-hearted criticisms that accept the basic terms of the situation?

Take a look at what this paper says, and has said, about this question. And take a look at the role that it’s playing in exposing all this and promoting struggle against it.

Will it make a difference if people are exposed to the truth—the real truth, the actual, historical experience, both what it meant for people’s lives and what it means on the world-historical scale—about the tremendous achievements of the Cultural Revolution in China and the real leadership of Mao Tsetung? Will it make a difference in the tumultuous years ahead if people, and especially the youth, get a sense that there is another way, a truly emancipatory way beside the dead-end alternatives presented them? Will it make a difference if people are exposed to the most advanced theory pointing the way to take that experience even higher—to Bob Avakian’s new synthesis, that builds on the achievements of past revolutions even as it takes things further in crucial respects? And, on the other hand, will it make a difference if they don’t learn about this and just accept the verdict that “there is no alternative”?

Take a look at this paper’s coverage since the Olympics turned the spotlight on China, and through the ground-breaking symposium on the Cultural Revolution held at NYU in December. And take a look—actually, take more than a look—at the works that we run most every week by Bob Avakian and, also take more than a look at the Manifesto we printed in early September, Communism: The Beginning of a New Stage, for a document that actually points the path to a whole new stage of communist revolution.

Will it make a difference if masses of people are exposed to the TRUTH about Obama, which means the TRUTH about America—about the system at the foundation of this society, about what it does and must do, in order to maintain itself, here and around the world—about the system of which he is now chief executive? And, on the other hand, will it make a difference if instead people are mobilized, for instance, to support the escalation of wars of aggression in Afghanistan, as well as other crimes, in the name of “giving Obama a chance”?

Look to how this paper has consistently, and with substance, analyzed and exposed the Obama phenomenon going back over the past year, and to the dialogue that this has sparked with its readers, from Obama’s speech on race to the debate we launched on refusing to be “Buffalo Soldiers.” And look at the special issue on “The Oppression of Black People, the Crimes of This System and the Revolution We Need” for something that tells the truth, in an accessible and unvarnished way.

Will it make a difference if people are able to not only read about resistance, but to report it and debate it, in the pages of the paper and on an active, and increasingly interactive, website? And if this same paper and website open up the biggest questions facing the revolutionary movement to the kind of full-throated and substantive debate that is needed...if we are ever going to make meaningful and fundamental change...if we are ever going to make revolution in this country?

Look at the increasing correspondence being printed in this paper, and think ahead to the further emphasis being given to things like the new Revolution On-Line Forum.

Will it make a difference if all this is presented in the most attractive possible format, a format—in print and on the web—that has a dynamism and immediacy as vibrant as the revolution we need?

Check out the center-spreads in the print edition over the past months, and the new masthead. And learn about the plans to totally revamp our website over the next six months.

And will it make a difference, in a period of the deepest economic crisis in two generations and at least two wars being fought by the U.S., if increasing numbers of people hear the voice and come to know the leadership of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA and its Chairman, Bob Avakian? Will it make a difference if they become part of a whole revolutionary network around this paper during a period when it may be possible to wrench opportunities for fundamental change out of the situation we face?

Will it make a difference?

all the difference in the world.


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