A Young Latina on the Protests:

"Something I've only seen be told in history books"

December 18, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us


A young Latina student who has been very active in protests over the last few weeks was asked to describe what she thought of the NYC Millions March on Saturday, December 13. This was her response.

To stand in the middle of 50,000 people , to march side by side yelling at the top of our lungs “black lives matter” has been a life changing experience. This has been something I've only seen be told in history books, and at no time did I think I would be part of something this great. To hear the people sing, to see all the signs held by children, to see the crowd leading blocks ahead when they went up a hill, will forever be embedded in my mind. That day I saw people pour into Washington Square Park in every direction. All shapes, colors, ages, and sizes marched that Saturday and we all made it clear that BLACK LIVES DO MATTER. We have all come to realize that in this government, they are saying that black lives do no matter, that the injustice will continue. But that day, days before and days that follow, the people will continue to march. They will continue to protest, because if there is no justice, then there will be NO peace. To say I am proud of the people who marched nationwide, would be an understatement, I am left without words to describe the emotion I felt. But there's one thing for certain the millions March has shown me, that people do care about black lives. And people want change.



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