URGENT CALL from Stop Patriarchy: Be in Washington DC - Wed. March 2 - Stand up for Abortion Rights
February 29, 2016 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us

Don’t sit this one out. Be in Washington, DC, this Wednesday, March 2 and stand up for abortion rights at the U.S. Supreme Court. Join the Rally to Protect Abortion Access from 8am to noon as HB2—Texas’s abortion clinic shutdown law—is argued before the Supreme Court. The case, Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt is the most important abortion case in decades.
The Rally to Protect Abortion Access is being called by The Center for Reproductive Rights, whose attorneys are arguing the case before the Court.
If the Court votes to uphold HB2, all but 9 or 10 abortion providers in the whole state of Texas will close and this will be a go-ahead for similar draconian “TRAP” laws* which have already been enacted in other states to go into effect, and lead to many more clinic closures. On Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld a similar law to take effect in Louisiana. This will shut down all but one abortion clinic in the entire state of Louisiana. That means seven states with only one clinic left.**
The fate of abortion rights is being decided and women’s lives are at stake. We cannot leave women’s fundamental rights to the “wisdom of the courts.” Without access to safe, legal abortion services, the right to abortion becomes empty. Without this basic right, women cannot be free.
We must change the terms by telling the truth: Fetuses are NOT babies. Abortion is NOT murder. Women are NOT incubators. Women need Abortion On Demand and Without Apology!
We must be in the streets and wage massive, public, uncompromising, political resistance.
We must rely on ourselves—and mobilize the outrage of others—to STOP THIS WAR ON WOMEN.
Forced motherhood is female enslavement.
Look for our orange ABORTION ON DEMAND & WITHOUT APOLOGY signs and join STOP PATRIARCHY at the Rally. contact: StopPatriarchy@gmail.com
* TRAP laws—“Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers”—laws which impose medically unnecessary and burdensome regulations on abortion providers, but not other medical services. The clear purpose of such laws is to drive abortion doctors out of practice, make abortion care more difficult and more expensive to obtain, and force abortion clinics to close. [back]
** States with only 1 abortion clinic left: North Dakota, South Dakota, Mississippi, Wyoming, Arkansas, Missouri and now, Louisiana. [back]
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