Episode 24 of
The RNL Show—Revolution, Nothing Less!

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“Genocidal Racist Donald Trump Must NOT Be Allowed a Second Term!”

The Revolution, Nothing Less Show

Lines are being drawn. On one side, Trump and his MAGA fascists inside law enforcement and out waging vigilante violence in the streets, promising a world of hurt to Black people, immigrants, women, LGBTQ people, people around the world, and the planet itself. On the other side, people of many walks of life who have flooded the streets for Black lives in recent months and reeled in shock and horror for three years of Trump/Pence crimes. Who will shape the future depends on what we do.


Andy Zee and Sunsara Taylor will discuss and share powerful short videos created by the RNL team that draw out the importance of nationwide protests being planned by RefuseFascism.org on September 5th to demand Trump/Pence Out Now! and launch 60 days of mass nonviolent struggle to realize this demand. Noche Diaz will read Part 1 of a searing new series by Bob Avakian titled, “Donald Trump—Genocidal Racist Part 1.” And we'll share the RefuseFascism.org call for September 5th protests, read by actor Jodie Sweetin.


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