Episode 26 of
The RNL Show—Revolution, Nothing Less!

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“We Must Stop a Fascist America — A Call to Grow The RNL Show

The Revolution, Nothing Less Show

Fires rage across the west, new tapes reveal that Trump knowingly LIED about COVID, and the Trump/Pence regime is doubling down on white supremacy to win—or otherwise hold power through—the upcoming election. As Bob Avakian put it in the title of an important new series at RevCom.us that will be the focus of Andy Zee's commentary this week, “Voting Will Not Be Enough—We Need to Take to the Streets, and Stay in the Streets Demanding Trump/Pence Out Now!” Flowing from this, we'll highlight RefuseFascism.org's September 21 nationwide mobilization: March Against Death, Lies and Fascism and FOR Humanity—Trump/Pence Out Now! Also: Parts 4 and 5 of Avakian's series, Donald Trump—GENOCIDA RACIST, read by Noche Diaz. And a special segment showcasing—and calling on you to donate to, spread and volunteer to strengthen—the incredible accomplishments of the first six months of The RNL – Revolution, Nothing Less – Show.


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