Be a part of Breaking ALL the Chains — August 9!
Cultural Celebrations... Dinners... Picnics
UPDATED August 6, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |

The BA Everywhere Campaign has called for Break ALL the Chains Celebrations to mark the publication of Break ALL the Chains! Bob Avakian on the Emancipation of Women and the Communist Revolution, a collection of groundbreaking works by Avakian on how central and defining the liberation of women is to any real revolution. These afternoon or evening celebrations will include artistic performances and testimonies with a dinner, or picnic, or BBQ. Come one, Come all: Break ALL the Chains!
New York
August 9, Saturday, from 2pm - 6pm
At: Chenchita's Angels Community Garden
Madison Avenue & 112th Street, Manhattan
Tickets: $10-$25-$50 (sliding scale, no one turned away), available at Revolution Books, 146 W. 26th St., NY.
List of performers and readers:
• Nadia High
• American Anymen
• Lise
• Sophia Loren Coffee
• Jamel Mims
• Victoria I.
• Adrienne from Stop Patriarchy
... and more!
MCs: NOCHE DIAZ from the NYC Revolution Club and SABEL
Call for information: 347-835-8656 or write
August 10, Sunday, 5pm - 8pm
At: Overflow Coffee Bar
1550 South State Street
Suggested donation: $10. Call: 312-860-8167. Email:
Los Angeles
August 9, Saturday, 5pm - 9 pm
At: Revolution Books - Libros Revolución
5726 Hollywood Blvd.
Benefit dinner and program, $10 sliding scale.
For more information: 213-304-9864.
August 10, Sunday, 1pm - 5pm
At: Mosswood Park
3612 Webster St., near Broadway in Oakland
For information: call Revolution Books-Berkeley, 510-848-1196
August 9, Saturday, 1pm - 4pm
At: Abdel's Barbeque
3755 Southmore
For information contact: Houston Revolution Distributors at 832-865-0408,
POSTPONED: August 9, Saturday
Honolulu's August 9th event has been postponed due to two hurricane and flood watches.
For information call: Revolution Books - Honolulu, 808-944-3106.
August 9, Saturday, 4pm - 7pm
At: Edgewater Park lower level on Lake Erie, look for the big red flag
For more information call: 216-932-2543.
August 10, Sunday, tba
At: Little 5 Points Art and Community Center,
1083 Austin Avenue NE, Top floor, room 202.
Parking in rear. Wheelchair accessible.
For more information: 770-861-3339.
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