Richard Leakey, world-renowned anthropologist and activist, Kenya
April 11, 2015
I join the many decent people who are demonstrating against the increasing police brutality everywhere. And it is especially shocking to see this in a nation that claims to be so advanced. Total shame on the system that cannot control such thugs in the police forces. We in Africa are often pointed to as primitives but the US Police forces are worse. No unarmed person should be killed by police; it is cold blooded racially driven criminal action and must always be severely punished.
From Father Bob Bossie, SCJ
April 11, 2015
The Stop Mass Incarceration Network and others (Alice Walker, Cindy Sheehan) are calling for a mass outpouring of protest Tuesday, April 14, against the police killing of so many persons of color. I endorsed this most fitting call and recommend you do so as well....
April 9: The following statement has been approved,
and can be issued in the name of
Rev. Dr. Calvin O. Butts III, pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in New York
I am supporting mass protest on April 14, Shut It Down! We think pressure needs to stay on for justice in regards to the killing of Eric Garner, and of Black and Brown people all across the country. April 14 we will assemble on Union Square North at 2 p.m. We want to make sure that we all are there. We want to see our congregations, our ministers and pastors around the city there on that day, and we will continue to press our case for justice.
From Naomi Wallace, playwright
Let's take to the streets on April 14th to protest this on-going wave of murder by police against our brothers and sisters. Whether it be institutionally sanctioned racist killings inside the U.S., or the racist slaughter-by-drones through U.S. wars, we must unite and resist together.
Recorded by Jasmine Guy April 8, 2015. Ms. Guy, a signer of the Statement of Conscience from Carl Dix & Cornel West, plans to join the Shut Down day Tuesday April 14 to Stop Police Killings of Unarmed People.
From Peter Coyote
From Alice Walker
From Cindy Sheehan
From Collette Flanagan
Cornel West. Video from Deep Dish TV on Vimeo.
Carl Dix. Video from Deep Dish TV on Vimeo.
Tom Morello

From artist
Faith Ringgold
as a statement of support for April 14 protests:
Poor Little Black Boy
by Faith Ringgold
Poor Little Black Boy
Walking down the street
Munching a bag of skittles
Didn't know who he'd meet
Ran into the Devil
Looked into his eyes
Gotta hateful look
And a bullet by surprise
Poor Little Black Boy
Laying dead in the street
His American Dream
Lay bloodied at his feet
He ran into the Devil
And didn't know what to do
Run little black boy
If this happens to you.
Faith Letter From Rev. Frank Wulf
...I am convinced that the time has come when we can no longer stand by and let these killings by police happen with impunity. Many of us have already been engaged in the struggle. But, I believe that now is the time when all of us need to speak a clear and collective prophetic word. We, as people of faith, have to say "No more!" to these killings, and especially to the culture of callousness that allows them to continue without consequence or repercussion. ...
April 8, 2015
Arturo O'Farrill
...And so I guess what I am saying to you is really that none of us can fly below the radar any more. None of us can refuse to connect our lives, our work, what we do, who we are to this incredibly important struggle. And I will say this now there is nothing more important than stopping the murder of unarmed citizens. Nothing is more important than the first step, it changes everything. So I will lend my voice tonight, I realize that I am in the company of incredible speakers. I wish I had a piano. Where's the piano. I will lend my voice to these incredible great men and women who are here today and say that on the 14th we must walk out, walk out of your business, walk out of your classroom, walk out of your apartment, walk out of your complacency, walk out of all that you think you know, and take part in the real world. Walk out of the gray world and walk into the world of the sun and stand with the people of the sun. The gray world doesn't exist. ...
Eve Ensler
On April 14 I will walk out and stand up with #ShutDownA14 to say with all my heart that the murder of black and brown people by the police MUST stop. That there must be immediate justice for all the victims of brutal, murdering police. That police responsible for these murders must be indicted and convicted. That until this happens, we cannot rest or stop. Now is the moment to go the distance with more determination and commitment, with more connection and resistance. To demand a country where everyone is treated with dignity, respect, compassion, and love. See you in the streets April 14.
Charles Burnett
... Black lives are taken with impunity, and schools being mostly pathways to prisons. Everything is at a cost. The right to vote is being challenged. ... The question is how long before we wake up?