From the Tweets into the Streets!
Updated June 7, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |

San Francisco. Photo: Special to Revolution
Seattle. Photo: Special to Revolution
Chicago (left); New York City (above right and below).
Photos: Special to Revolution
Take to the streets one week after the misogynist murders in Santa Barbara, in resistance against the whole culture of rape, violence against women, and patriarchy. Join different individuals and organizations in cities across the country in bringing these messages and more into rush hour, into the public square, and into the conversation.
In response to the mass murder in Santa Barbara by a man who openly proclaimed his hatred for women, stand up to STOP violence against women in every form. (from Stop Patriarchy)
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Speak-outs, rallies, and protests were held in cities including Isla Vista, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, Philadelphia, and Portland. We are posting reports as they come in.
#YesAllWomenLIVE from Seattle
In Seattle, on Friday, May 30, about 200 people, mainly young men and women, including people from the LGBTQ community, gathered in the Westlake Plaza in Seattle. Women speaking bitterness about their experience through tears and anger, joined with men who felt that women should not have to live this way. A six-second scream (six seconds for the six victims of the UCSB shooting) was unleashed and people shouted out the names of women who had been victims of patriarchy. Read more
New York City, Union Square Rally for #YesAllWomen, to STOP Violence Against Women
On a rainy day in NYC, a group gathered at Union Square to stand up against violence against women, in response to the vicious attack by a young man at the University of Santa Barbara, which left 6 women dead and 13 people injured. Dozens of people came together to voice their outrage against the culture of violence and degradation that is so pervasive in this society, that #YesALLWomen experience. Stop Patriarchy led this protest and speak-out, and challenged all who were there and who passed by to understand this NOT as an isolated incident but in fact a result of a patriarchal society which promotes male chauvinism, the objectification of women, and ‘me first’ mentality. Read more
Beneath the Surface
Reactions from people in Isla Vista to the UCSB shooting
Bringing Revolution and Stop Patriarchy into the Mix
From readers: In Isla Vista, people are thinking deeply about this. There’s talk of healing— psychologists handing out candy and religious folks with dogs for students to pet are walking on Isla Vista’s few streets. But beneath the surface students are wrangling with the causes of the recent shootings and what can be done about it. In recent visits with Revolution and Sunsara Taylor’s statement on the murders, we found people eager to talk. Read more
Chicago: Speak Out—Santa Barbara Murders Open Up a Well of Pain and Oppression Women Face
From readers: In Chicago's south loop, at the major intersection of State and Jackson, a group of 14 people staged a speak out and rally in response to the Santa Barbara killing of six and wounding of others. Many people gathered and then stepped up to the microphone speaking bitterness and outrage over the way women are brutalized and degraded in this society. Read more

Photo: Steve Rhodes
Activists look to keep momentum from #YesAllWomen going offline
May 30, 2014
Watch video from KTVU-TV, Oakland, CA
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