You cannot break all the chains, except one. You cannot say you want to be free of exploitation and oppression, except you want to keep the oppression of women by men. You can’t say you want to liberate humanity yet keep one half of the people enslaved to the other half. The oppression of women is completely bound up with the division of society into masters and slaves, exploiters and exploited, and the ending of all such conditions is impossible without the complete liberation of women. All this is why women have a tremendous role to play not only in making revolution but in making sure there is all-the-way revolution. The fury of women can and must be fully unleashed as a mighty force for proletarian revolution.
Bob Avakian
Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
For more about BA, click here.
We are told that "equality for women has been won" and that "there are no limits to what girls can achieve." BULLSHIT!
Every 15 seconds a woman is beaten. Every day three to four women are killed by their partners. One out of four female college students will be raped or sexually assaulted while in college.
In recent years, pornography has become increasingly violent, cruel, degrading towards women; women are referred to as “cumdumpsters” and “fuckbuckets”; the “money shot” (ejaculation in a woman’s face) is standard; humiliating cruelty—like violent “ass-to-mouth” penetration—is normalized, and racist bigotry is sexualized. Meanwhile, the broader culture has been pornified: pole dancing is taught at gyms, “sexting” is a national phenomenon among teens, and the strip club is the accepted backdrop to “male bonding.” All this is tied in with, and reinforces, the trafficking of millions of women and girls as literal chattel in the international sex industry.
This is NOT society becoming more comfortable with sex....
The assault on women’s right and need to simply be able to determine whether or not to have a child has reached a fever pitch in the United States. Too many of those who do uphold this basic right have been put on the defensive and will barely talk about the fundamental issue at the heart of this assault—the lives and future of women. Some even fear saying the word “abortion,” let alone upholding it as a basic right. In the face of this, Stop Patriarchy has taken the offensive. Last summer they led a 16 state, month long Abortion Rights Freedom Ride, mobilizing hundreds and reaching hundreds of thousands with the slogan, “Abortion On Demand and Without Apology!” In November, they returned to two of the places that most concentrate the assault on women's fundamental right to control their own reproduction: Mississippi and Albuquerque.
Women and men from many different perspectives have joined this effort directly or in other ways, including financially, come to its support. The Revolutionary Communist Party fully supports and commends these efforts as fulfilling a great need and calls on all those who do not want to see women enslaved to their reproduction to recognize and act on this great need.
This November, there are two key places in the country where the battle over abortion is most concentrated. From November 2-6, the last abortion clinic in the state of Mississippi will be under siege from Operation Save America, an extreme, violence-inciting, woman-hating Christian fascist organization. And on November 19, a vote will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico that could ban abortions after 20 weeks, thereby shutting down two of the four doctors in the country who openly provide abortions for women who desperately need them in the third trimester of pregnancy. Stop Patriarchy is calling for people from all over the nation to contribute your voice, time, money, creativity, and courage to stand with us in Jackson MS from October 29-Nov 6 and Albuquerque, NM from Nov 15-17.
The three goals that were identified by Stop Patriarchy when we launched the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride are more urgent than ever. These goals were:
to wage a national counter-offensive against this national war on women,
to radically reset the political, ideological and moral terms so that people recognize that this is a fight over women's liberation or women's enslavement and that abortion must be available on demand and without apology,
to forge a movement that relies on ourselves, not politicians or the courts, to wage massive society-wide resistance of millions of people to defeat this whole war on women.
The success of turning back this state of emergency in Mississippi and Albuquerque in November is something that everyone who cares about the future of women has a stake in. YOU are needed. Everyone must find the ways to support this effort, and everyone reading this, and everyone that you know can do something to strengthen the impact of this effort.
Download: PDF for print | JPG for web
To those who call themselves "pro-choice" but say that “Abortion On Demand and Without Apology” is “too extreme”:
Which women do you think should apologize and feel guilty for their abortions?
Which women would you force to have children against their will?
Sunsara Taylor
On November 19, people in the city of Albuquerque will vote on whether to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. The very fact that a fundamental right of women—the right to abortion at whatever point in her pregnancy and for whatever reason she decides—can be put up for a vote is entirely illegitimate and reveals something profoundly wrong with the system that rules over us. Read more.
by Rigel Kane
by Sunsara Taylor
I want to speak to something that I have heard advocated by abortion rights supporters with increasing frequency as the attacks on abortion rights escalate to a fevered pitch across this country. As abortion clinics are closed down at an alarming rate, as access to abortion is restricted beyond the reach of many poor and rural women already, and as new laws and restrictions mount, it is not uncommon to hear some of the most dedicated fighters in the pro-choice movement insist that it is time to begin developing underground networks that will be able to continue providing abortions to women even if it becomes illegal.
The first time I heard this approach advocated more than fifteen years ago at a women's conference, I found it extremely attractive because it had the appearance of defiance and determination not to be stopped by unjust and illegitimate laws. However, now when I hear this advocated I hear the air of desperation, defeat and honestly a degree of self-delusion. Read more
From Sunsara Taylor and David Gunn Jr.: Across the country, people are waking up to the state of emergency facing the right to abortion... If we do not reverse this trajectory now, we will condemn future generations of women and girls to forced motherhood, to lives of open enslavement, terror, and life-crushing shame..." Read more
by Sunsara Taylor. Today, as many of the Abortion Rights Freedom Riders escorted patients and hula-hooped outside the clinic, I sat down with the director of Jackson Women's Health Organization. I told her about the threefold mission of the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride...She told me about her patients. Read more
Posted September 8, 2013. Albuquerque, New Mexico has become a national focal point in the struggle over abortion rights in this country because it is the city where two out of the four doctors left in the country who perform later abortions practice. As described in this article, Albuquerque was targeted for threatening and woman-hating protest by the fascist anti-abortion group Operation Rescue during mid-August and it will remain the focus of the anti-abortion movement as they work to close these abortion providers down. Albuquerque was also one of the final stops on the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride, a month-long caravan that traveled from both coasts and down the middle of the country to stand up for abortion rights this past summer. Read the article written by a member of a Revolution Club and Abortion Rights Freedom Rider
From both coasts, and through the middle of the country
This article draws heavily upon and has been edited from thoughts on the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride from Sunsara Taylor. Read more
From the RCP's "A Declaration: For Women's Liberation and the Emancipation of All Humanity":
Women need emancipation. Women need liberation from thousands of years of tradition’s chains. This is a declaration that stands on the clear recognition that for humanity as a whole to advance, half of humanity must be lifted from centuries of being condemned to being the property of men and pitilessly exploited, demeaned and degraded in a thousand ways.
Women are not breeders. Women are not lesser beings. Women are not objects created for the sexual pleasure of men. Women are human beings capable of participating fully and equally in every realm of human endeavor. When women are held down, all of humanity is held back. Women must win liberation, and they can only be liberated through the revolutionary transformation of the world and the emancipation of all of humanity, and through being a powerful motive force in that revolution.
Also available as downloadable PDF.
by Sunsara Taylor and Rigel Kane. What happens in Mississippi and Albuquerque—whether people mobilize to resist these attacks on women, including traveling to these places from across the country, or whether people stay home and “lay low”—will have tremendous implications not only for the outcome of these particular battles, but for the direction of the whole war on women. Read more
Diane Derzis, owner of the last abortion clinic in Mississippi, talks with Sunsara Taylor about legal threats to her clinic, her own abortion, anti-abortion violence, and the joy of serving women. Read the interview
Revolution Interview
Sunsara Taylor interviews Dr. Willie Parker, one of the two heroic abortion doctors who regularly flies to Mississippi to provide abortions at the last clinic in that state. Read more
Also: A Conversation with Dr. Willie Parker and Sunsara Taylor. October 28, 2013 at Revolution Books NYC (video)
...this year there are over 300 measures introduced to further restrict abortion and shut down clinics?
...97% of rural counties have no abortion provider?
...FIVE states have only ONE abortion clinic?
...over 80% of clinics that provide abortions have experienced violence, threats, harassment?
...EIGHT abortion providers and staff have been KILLED?
In this #AbortionRightsEmergency … what will you do? Sit on the sidelines? Hypothesize & criticize? Bury your head in the sand? Rely on the official political process which has buckled under the force of the anti-abortion movement? Or stand up, expose and oppose their illegitimacy, and fight unapologetically for abortion rights?! TODAY would not be a minute too soon.
Some comments from people across the country who signed the statement for “Abortion on Demand & Without Apology”…
From the website. See all comments.
I am a volunteer clinic escort at Jackson Women's Health Org., the last abortion clinic in Mississippi. The undue burden that women must endure to travel hours to our only clinic is heartbreaking. Yet they are so grateful to have this "last resort" to turn to when making one of the most crucial decisions in their lives. If it takes fighting to my last breath, THIS CLINIC STAYS OPEN!
Brandon, Mississippi
I am more than just a future mother.
Student, New Hampshire
Without clinics there is no choice. My abortion was my best decision I ever made.
Greenfield, CA
The legislation against women is fascist and radical. We need to be radical and stop pandering to the Right. Our lives are literally in the hands of these legislators and that is completely unacceptable. We need to stop making sure no one is offended. WOMEN WILL DIE FROM THIS LEGISLATION.
Single mom, birth doula, graduate student in public health
Grand Forks, ND
You cannot grant rights to one potential person at the cost of a real person's liberties. Women are people, fetuses are NOT!
Engineer, Baton Rouge LA
Will look for you in ND in August.
Education, Horace, ND
Having the government force women to give birth against their will is tyranny.
Energy Efficiency Outreach Coordinator, Binghampton, NY
I thought I was all alone in wanting this. THANK YOU!
Writer, Waddy, KY
Women are people first. Period. Before fetal rights, there are FEMALE rights. Criminalizing abortion does not stop abortion, it simply further punishes women - without similarly punishing the men who got them pregnant in the first place. (Not that anyone should be being punished for consensual sex.)
As a woman, and as a mother, I am done being controlled by politicians who will never face an unplanned, unexpected or unwanted pregnancy, or the threat of pregnancy. It's time we take back our rights.
Sexual Health and Consent Educator, Longmont CO
What is there really to say? The idea that we find ourselves in the 21st century and there are still people that believe, or at least claim to, that a woman's rights are subservient to an embryo or fetus, or that people cannot engage in healthy sexual activity without taking steps to prevent disease or pregnancy cannot is simply beyond absurd.
Writer, Adamsville, AL
American Patriarchy - the new Taliban, for a new century. Stop it now.
Systems Engineer, Canada
Until all of us are free, none of us are free.
Systems Administrator
Haslett, MI
A family member of mine got pregnant even though she was on the pill. Fortunately, abortion services were legal and available, so she terminated her pregnancy. Today, she is a successful executive, with two wonderful children of her own. If she'd been forced to carry the fetus to term, she would not have been able to stay in college, would not have been able to choose her present career, would not have met and married the wonderful man who is now her husband, and her life would most certainly be poorer. Abortion, on demand without restriction, is a right that MUST BE PROTECTED.
Technology Consultant,
Houston, TX
I think that children are important, and we shouldn't have them frivolously. The decision to have a child should be an active decision. I don't think that "Oops, I'm pregnant" is a valid reason for having a baby. People shouldn't go through with a pregnancy on the off-chance that someone else somewhere will take care of it. That is irresponsible. Speaking of people being irresponsible. One of the arguments against abortion is that people will use it as birth control. I think that's a good thing. If someone is that irresponsible during sex, they won't be any more responsible as parents. Such people should be encouraged to at least be responsible about whether to go through with a pregnancy or not. Having a baby is not a trivial event. It is harsh on a woman's body and have life changing consequences. As such, it should be totally up to the woman whether she goes through with it or not. It shouldn't be up to others.
Eric, Herndon, VA
I am disabled, and if I were to become pregnant, would need to have an abortion. The recent attacks on women's agency are frightening.
Writer, Cleveland, GA
It is unthinkable and inhumane in this age of effective contraception to deny or limit any persons' access to all forms of birth control. Unwanted pregnancy leads to emotional, social, and economic hardship for all involved. To squelch the great medical advances we have made in reproductive health is immoral and plain stupid.
Retired Educator,
Las Vegas, NV
What goes into or comes out of my uterus is my business. Limiting abortion means more maternal death due to complications and more hacks like Kermit Gosnell preying on the vulnerable and killing more patients. Abortion on demand is a human right!
Fundraising Professional
Washington, DC
As the father of two daughters and a husband, my female children and wife should have every right to determine their medical decisions. It is their RIGHT to determine their health care.
Information Technology,
Lawrence, KS
"Abortion on Demand and Without Apology" - that's a sentiment I agree wholeheartedly with. Not only is one human being NEVER entitled to another human being's body without their consent... but a fetus isn't even a human being. Taking away abortion rights is giving fully grown women fewer rights than something that isn't even human. Terrible.
Craftsperson, Chattanooga, TN
Yes. No more of this "safe, legal, and rare" bullshit. Safe, legal, and accessible. No questions asked. No conditions. Abortion is not a tragedy. It's not a murder. It's not "sadly necessary." It's a non-issue for everyone but the woman who decides to have one. End of story. Liberals need to stop apologizing and compromising.
Nonprofit, Winooski, VT
It's my body. Taking one of my kidneys out to transplant without my consent would be illegal. How can forcing me to keep a fetus I don't want be anything but criminal and morally repugnant?
Feminist, Chicago, IL
Adding to the petition: The demographic data are clear: restricting access to abortion does not decrease the rate of abortion. All it does is to make the abortions that occur unregulated and unsafe, leading to large numbers of women being permanently harmed or dying. The only thing that decreases the rate of abortions is increased use of effective contraceptives, so that fewer pregnancies are unwanted. The actual pro-life position is to make abortions available to every woman who wants one, and also to support contraceptive use.
Research Scientist
Socorro, NM
The most fundamental of all rights is the right to bodily autonomy - without it, all other rights are rendered meaningless. It is one of the greatest obscenities of the modern age that right now, in the world's richest and nost powerful democracy, a vast and concerted effort is being undertaken to deny women that right. To deny their status as people, and replace it with that of a living incubator. This is nothing less than the most socially acceptable face of modern slavery. It has to stop. Now.
Retailer, New York, NY
Women should always be in 100% control of their own body. End of discussion. Your morals and beliefs should have zero effect on someone who is not you.
Father, Portland, OR
A woman's right to body autonomy is non-negotiable! The rights of a woman to control her reproductive function is a basic human right.
Concerned Citizen, Feminist,
Hadley, MA
why do we STILL have to fight this fight? Why doesn't the church get it? Haven't they read the Constitution? What don't they understand about "Pass no law respecting an establishment of religion”?
Retired, New York, NY
In addition to women not being "incubators, neither are they "ovens" as Louisiana State Senator Gary Smith called them in his effort to legalize the commodification and exploitation of women through commercial surrogacy.
National Organization for Women (NOW)
West Hartford, CT
Women who wish to have an abortion should have unfettered access to the procedure at all stages of pregnancy. A woman is not an incubator and does not forfeit her rights or autonomy when she becomes pregnant.
Forester, Deltana, AK
I believe that women have the right to choose to have a family or not, without giving up fulfilling relationships, whatever form they may take, or even having no relationships at all. No one should be able to make this choice for someone else.
Network Administrator,
Detroit, OR
I serve as a peace corps volunteer in a country without any abortion rights whatsoever. The results are horrific. Women die. Please don't make me come home to a similar situation.
Peace Corp Volunteer
Every woman should have access to medical care for a safe abortion.. period. In 1942 my aunt died from infection which was the result of a back room abortion. Single, pregnant at 22 years old, Irish Roman Catholic that was the only avenue open to her. Her death pretty much broke up the family. Times were so different then... we don't need to return to those dismal days.....
Retired, Tuscaloosa, AL
I have had two...the first illegal decades ago after navigating the world of creeps and fakes, finding a decent person to do it, and the second safe and legal in a local hospital. I could not handle financially or emotionally either pregnancy. I already had two small children, but still would have had those babies except the spineless father wouldn't even offer me moral support through pregnancy and ran like a coward. It was more than I could do alone, and I have always felt sad that those were the circumstances. If men would step up and meet their responsibilities as half "owner" of those pregnancies, things might be different. As it is, women are way too frequently left alone to make the decisions and don't need to be controlled and dictated to when they make their choices.
Merchant Marine Officer
Juneau, Alaska
The most urgent front in the War on Women. I also remember the "before time". All those thousands of women's names are not to be found on any monument or national memorial. They reside in the hearts of us that recall the days of coat hangers and exsanguinated young girls in every back alley and stairwell. Never Again!
Fight Slavery Now!
Though I did not choose an abortion, through manipulation from my child's paternal family and through the health care center I went to for help, I want to ensure anyone who is pregnant (not all who have a uterus are women and not all women have a uterus), has a choice. Choice is important when it comes to reproduction and one's body.
Computer Programmer,
Baton Rouge, LA
"Abortion on demand and without apology. Forced motherhood is female enslavement."
I agree wholeheartedly and without reservation with the entirety of this statement, especially with the quoted sections, and am eager to see it published. You have my permission to use my full name when you publish. Thank you for putting out this statement.
Atheist, Mill Creek, WA
We need to reverse this trend of restricting access to abortion. Reproductive rights are human rights. Everyone should be able to decide when or if they have children.
Clinic Escort, Jeffersonville, IN
I'm a young ambitious woman who has seen the lives of many of my female friends completely derailed by having unwanted children. I grew up in a poor rural area where girls barely out of high school typically ended up married with children that they couldn't care for. I was lucky enough to get an education elsewhere through scholarships, but the futures for these women and their children is really dim and it saddens me to see these smart, loving, and kind women have their lives reduced to staying at home because they can't afford daycare
Graphic Designer
Cleveland, OH
There is no greater good that can come from the way the Pro-Life movement, as publicly represented, tries to pursue this. Even if there were, the deontology of the situation trumps utility.
Recent College Graduate and Job Seeker
San Jose, CA
Extreme religious interpretations of acceptable behavior cannot be allowed to become the basis of our laws, regardless of the particular religion.
Citizen, Fergus Falls, MN
Those women who have the financial means to obtain a safe abortion will still be able to get one; therefore, most of these laws are discriminatory against women who do not have the means and should be struck down.
Retired, Henrico, VA
Women's reproductive health and rights are for each woman to decide for herself. We don't need men to dictate what we can and cannot do. What men can do, however, is be supportive of the women they love and, eventually, of all women. It's just common respect.
Feminist, Seattle, WA
Women who do not want or who are not ready to have children should not be forced to have them. It is as simple as that. A woman should have the right to choose for herself. It's in her best interest, and in the best interest of society.
Speaking for Myself
Oakland, CA
Every woman must have the right to control her own destiny. Whether she wants or does not want to bear a child or children. However she sees fit to lead her life as a woman and a human being without interference from anyone or any organization or any government. It is up to that woman as to what she wants to do with her life.
Member of NOW
Forest Hills, NY
Freedom is Multi-dimensional
New York, NY
Stop the religious rights' assault on women's rights!
Secular Woman, Stow, OH
I support individuals' right against forced birthing. It's the path of least harm, me thinks.
Information Systems Coordinator
Corvallis, OR
Women deserve reproductive rights over their own bodies!
Magazine Editor
Canoga Park, CA
A woman's body is HERS, not anyone else's!
Retired, San Marcos, CA
The right to abortion is already compromised and it needs to be freely available for women to have a chance at liberation.
Registered Nurse, Seattle, WA
Abortion upon demand must be available to all women in the United States if women are to be free.
Professor, UCSD
Encinitas CA
We know the anti-choice movement is not really pro-life, because they don't promote birth control. Their real core agenda is control of females, because they worship patriarchy as their stone-age guide to society. True freedom requires freedom from ancient myths.
Professor of Chemistry
Tempe, AZ
An infant breaths air. A fetus does not. Say NO to fetus fetishizers and embryo idolizers.
Harmonicaist, Los Angeles, CA
I support 100% bodily autonomy for all women and demand that they have full reproductive rights, which includes easily accessible and affordable contraception, as well as full access to abortion procedures.
Restaurant Manager
Brent, FL
These anti-abortion bills have nothing to do with loving or respecting life, because if they did children wouldn't be hungry or homeless in our society. 2 million children are officially homeless, How many then are there unofficially? This is just about keeping women down. To force them to have children, they can't afford, so they will be forced to work for low slave wages to support their children.
Social Worker, Jersey City, NJ
I was 14 when I asked my father about the justification for abortion. Since he ran a school of nursing I felt he could explain the medical issues. He pointed out that EVERY pregnancy has a risk of maternal death that NO man is EVER exposed to, and no doctor with a conscience could refuse a request to terminate any pregnancy - no questions asked. As a man I have no business even attempting to interfere with the health and safety of any woman, any more than any woman should have any say in any surgical procedure I might choose to have performed on my genitalia. Nobody should be allowed to come between a woman and her doctor in determining her choices in medical care.
Design Engineer @ ABB Inc.
Brownfields, LA
People protesting the right to abortions should use their energy to protect and improve the right of the already born! People need food, housing, education and a clean on that instead of restricting our Constitutional Rights!!
Community Organizer
Oak Park, IL
I am 41. I have always been for CHOICE. I am the author of the blog DIRTy 30 and Beyond and The Freaking Feminist! I am a student of women's studies and support your organization. Contact me for any help needed. I'll do whatever I can do.
The Hills, Texas
A woman's right to body autonomy requires clear, unambiguous and unbiased parenthood planning information and sex education for all. This includes access to abortion services. To deny this is shaming, a dehumanising of the woman, oppressive and a removal of human rights for the woman. An attack on access to abortion services is reprehensible, and will lead to the deaths of thousands of women. Stop this attack on women, now.
London, UK
Not every female body is capable of bearing healthy offspring. Many women are required to ingest medical regimen that include medications that are CONTRAINDICATED FOR HEALTHY GESTATION AND DELIVERY. In most cases, such medications are required to sustain the healthy life of the individual woman and DIRECTLY CONFLICT WITH CREATING HEALTHY EUKARYOTE CELLS FROM WHICH A HEALTHY EMBRYO IS FORMED, INSTEAD ALLOWING EXTERNALLY DISRUPTED GENETIC LINES TO BE INCLUDED IN FETAL DEVELOPMENT, i.e., newborn with gross anatomical deformation, missing organs, agonizing existence, and early death.
New York, NY
This is a strong unapologetic statement and is much needed now. I agree with it. Women are independent, intelligent beings and need to be treated that way. What we decide for our bodies and our lives is nobody's business but ours.
Control of our reproductive capabilities is a requirement for women's liberty and equality. Women should not be held enslaved to our biology.
Retired Citizen, Deltona, FL
My body is mine, not yours, and only I get to decide whether I want to be pregnant. Anything else is slavery.
Software Engineer
Albuquerque, NM
Teenage student who wants to be in control of her own life. You an even think about it in an economic sense if that helps some people. When a woman has a child she's out on maternity leave for however many months keeping her out of the work place while still getting paid, therefore losing companies money. I don't like to think about it that way, but it might help change some minds.
Albuquerque, New Mexico
This situation is becoming more and more serious. Even 10 years ago, I would not have expected the anti-abortion supporters to go so far. What kind of society is this for young women--and men, for that matter--to grow up in?
Writer, Montreal, QC
This campaign fills a desperate need of women and of the feminist movement. Women coming into this campaign refuse to be cowered by misogynist fanaticism which seeks to reverse women's liberation.
Kathleen Barry, Ph.D.
Feminist, Human Rights Activist
Santa Rosa, CA
A 64 year old retired woman who remembers the days of coat hangers and backroom abortions and who says WE ARE NEVER GOING BACK!
Oak Park, IL
Fetuses are NOT babies. Abortion is NOT murder. Women are NOT incubators.
Cancer Geneticist, Lovell, ME
You cannot end abortion with legislation; you can only end safe abortions.
RN, Portland, OR
One's body is one's own. No questions, no exceptions.
Retailer, West Hartford, CT
Stop the war on women.
Health Care, Iowa City, IA
I believe every woman should have the freedom to make whatever decision best suits her life and circumstances.
Mother, Sister, Daughter
Moorhead, MN
Women are not breeding animals to be forced to carry children to term is they do not wish to. Period.
Disabled – Computer Tech
Decatur, GA
We need to fight those who are fighting for a fetus' squatter rights in a woman's body!
Student, Fredericton, NB
We're all better off when we're ALL better off.
Anti-theist, Richfield, MN
thank you!
Business Owner
Bainbridge IS, WA
New Port Richey, FL
Women have the right to control their own bodies. End of story.
Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China
Nanaimo, BC
I am personally committed to a woman's right to control her reproductive life.
Editor, Freelance
Middleboro, MA
Fetuses are NOT babies.
Abortion is Not murder.
My body is NOT yours to control.
Disabled, Moscow, PA
Fetuses are NOT babies. Abortion is NOT murder. Women are NOT incubators.
Retired, Richmond, VA
The right of the individual woman must come first.
Registered Nurse
Walled Lake, MI
I could not have said it better. Thank you.
Educator, New York, NY
Our government should make no law regarding a person’s right to contraception, abortion or reproduction.
IT Consultant, Cincinnati, Ohio
Sovereignty over your own body is a fundamental human right. A clump of cells is not a person. Abortion should be legal, safe, affordable, and accessible everywhere.
Author, Chicago, IL
Keep speaking out!
Retiree, Northville, MI
Very tired of the War Against Women; in general, going backward; and the growing inequality amongst states.
RETIRED, Somerville, MA
I fully support this cause
Mother, Arvada, CO
Emancipation now!
Salem, OR
I had an abortion, I consider it the most responsible thing I've ever done.
Retired, Oak Valley, NJ
Self directed women because I had access to safe and afforable abortions and a very proud aunt of my lovely neice who deserves the same.
San Leandro, CA
A woman's right to chose is fundamental.
Youth Director, Lakewood, OH
'The government has no right to determine who comes into or out of my body'
(Grace Slick/Jefferson Airplane)
Sweet Grass
Caregiver, Berkeley, CA
Nosotras parimos, nosotras decidimos!
Theatre Artist, Chicago, IL
I want abortion to be free and available when a woman decides she needs to have an abortion.
Retired, Brooklyn, NY
A woman's body belongs to herself and herself alone. This is the most basic right of self-determination, and cannot be compromised.
Legal Clerk, Minneapolis, MN
It's about human rights. Period.
Irvine, CA
If you were ever loved by a woman, as a man, you should show some type of support.
San Antonio, Texas
Not the church, not the state, women will decide their fate!
Student & Volunteer with the Illinois Choice Action Team
Chicago, IL
Student and young woman who won't allow the government to regulate my body.
Starke, Florida
Women should have - and deserve - control over their own bodies . They don't need politicians to dictate what they should and shouldn't do!
Pro-Choice, Feminist, Activist
Burlington, Ontario
I'm ready to fight the war on women. It's gone far enough. Let's go!
Columbia Heights, MN
My body, my choice.
New York, NY
Supporting the right to an abortion and the Stop Patriarchy Abortion Rights Caravan.
Middletown, NY
I will pass this on to my daughters and the other women in my life. Thank you for helping us and encouraging us to not back down!
Albuquerque, NM
And I thought the Pope was an asshole!
Mt. Vernon, Ohio
I pledge. I don't want my daughter or niece to grow up in a world that is back tracking into the dark ages.
Bedford, Texas
Women are not farmed animals to be subjected to mandated pregnancy.
Fort Bragg, CA
Women have a right to decide if and when they will have children in order to choose their own destiny.
Bernalillo, NM
Artist, illustrator, pissed off woman who is sick of these powerful men telling us we must give birth!
Montesano, WA
We are DONE with being oppressed, these are OUR bodies!
Sahuarita, AZ
Please stop the reversal of abortion rights.
Colfax, CA
Hatred of women by religions, government, corporations,..... must end.
Retired – Fed Gov, Tempe
Would love more information on how to get involved with the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride.
Member of Peoria NOW
Peoria, IL
I support women's choice without judgment.
Fashion, New York, NY
Social worker, mother and feminist seeking to restore women's rights and protect freedom of choice!
Martinez, CA
I had an abortion and am THRIVING
Austin, Texas
As a 71 year old woman, I've watched women's rights go forward and now backwards once again. Good luck fighting the ignorance that now reigns in America.
Retired Business Owner
Anchorage, Alaska
Each person has the right to control her own body, and why we continually cede that control to others, instead of fighting the attempt with every breath we take is mind boggling!!
Attorney, Tallahassee, FL
I believe in a woman's right to choose what care, medical practices, attention or procedures she prefers, just as I believe in the same rights for a man.
Citizen, Petrolia, CA
I am not an incubator. I am not my husband's property. I am not here solely to have children. I am myself, I want to live the way I want, and being forced to have children is a crime against my autonomy. No woman should be forced to have a child she doesn't want, for whatever reason she doesn't want it.
Child-Free Woman
Florence, KY