(click the poster to download a printable PDF version, 252K)
The Bush regime is wanted for the murders of thousands of people in the New Orleans area. These gangsters:
Slashed the funds for flood control and environmental preservation that could have saved thousands of lives;
Trapped at least 100,000 people in New Orleans by refusing to provide them with the means to leave;
Denied water, food, medical care and other vital necessities to the people they stranded in New Orleans, and rounded them up into modern-day slave ships;
Ordered the cold-blooded murder of so-called “looters” for desperately trying to provide for people’s basic needs;
Enforced and promoted the most blatant racism.
The Bush regime must be held politically accountable for these unacceptable and unconscionable crimes and driven from office – NOW!
Warning: This regime is extremely dangerous and must – and can only – be stopped by millions of people taking mass, independent action.