Contribute to the Dialogue

Revolutionary Worker #1206, July 6, 2003, posted at

This supplement is published by the Revolutionary Worker , the voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. We hope we have fashioned a tool that can and will be used by many different people and organizations with many different beliefs.

We encourage organizations and individuals to take bulk copies of this and get it around. At the same time, people should feel free to take any individual item that they find useful and get it around.

Some folks, in using this material, may want to make clear that they are not endorsing the larger agenda of our Party. If that description fits you, we'd like to suggest a possible "disclaimer":

This paper is [or this article was originally published in] the Revolutionary Worker , the voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. While we do not necessarily agree with everything in it, we are distributing [reprinting] it as a contribution to the dialogue necessary to defeat the government's extreme and harsh repressive moves, and not as an endorsement or commentary on the RCP's overall views or larger agenda.

This article is posted in English and Spanish on Revolutionary Worker Online
Write: Box 3486, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL 60654
Phone: 773-227-4066 Fax: 773-227-4497