Raise Funds for the Revolution

| revcom.us


Thank you to everyone who was part of meeting the fundraising goal for the National Tour to Get Organized for an Actual Revolution: these funds came from the efforts of people all across the country, reaching others ... knocking on doors, going to farmer's markets, and shaking the can at righteous demonstrations—all bringing people the need for real revolution and the need to fund this revolution. There were important efforts to work with people to reach others: selling their art at an open air market, knocking on doors in their neighborhood ... These efforts need to continue and grow. The Declaration from the revcoms is calling on people who want to see a different world to get organized NOW for real revolution. Contributing and raising funds is essential to how we're getting organized now for revolution.  

Let’s get down to basics: We need a revolution—nothing less!

Revolution will not happen without financial support from the people themselves – those who catch the most hell under this system, and all those who are sick and tired of living in a world where people are treated as less than human.  If you want to get free... if you want humanity to get free... you need to be part of taking responsibility for this.  This means contributing funds and raising funds from others for the revolution necessary to bring a whole new world into being.

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For ways to donate, go HERE

Thank you to all who donated!

For ways to donate, go HERE


FUND THE REVOLUTION: Fundraising Livestream for the National Revolution Tour

New Donor Statements

Updated May 19, 2021

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May Day 2021 — Raising Funds in LA For the Revolution!

  • Venmo: “@RevolutionTour”
  • CashApp: $revtour
  • Send a check or money order,
    payable to RCP Publications,
    memo line: National Revolution Tour.
  • Mail to:
    RCP Publications
    Box 3486, Merchandise Mart
    Chicago, IL 60654-0486



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