Obrero Revolucionario #877, 13 de octubre, 1996 ¡Rehusar & Resistir nos envió este llamado: Está circulando para conseguir firmantes (véase cuadro abajo). ¡R&R! recomienda que se despliegue, reproduzca y distribuya.


Es hora de ponerse de pie. Vivimos momentos en los que predominan una política oficial retecruel y la injusticia. Agendas crueles y peligrosas dominan el debate electoral, pero nos haremos escuchar. No importa si votemos o no, que pertenezcamos a organizaciones grandes o lo hagamos solos en un pequeño pueblo, colectiva e individualmente no aguantaremos esto de brazos cruzados. Decimos ¡NO! a la política de castigo, pobreza e injusticia.


Nos meteremos en todo rincón de la sociedad. Tumbaremos los muros que dividen al pueblo. Nos apoyaremos los unos a los otros. Desarrollaremos un nuevo espíritu de resistencia y forjaremos nuevas alianzas. No permitiremos que el gobierno mate a Mumia Abu-Jamal. A cada nuevo ataque responderemos con mayor resistencia. Empezaremos en octubre y de ahí avanzaremos a construir el movimiento que necesitamos.

A los racistas y odiamujeres,
A los que atacan a gays y recortan el welfare,
A los que construyen prisiones y matan,


Signatorios 28/9/96

Mumia Abu-Jamal, author, Live from Death Row, PA | Act-Up/ Atlanta | Afro-American Lawyers Association, Hawai'i | Bill Adler, Mouth Almighty Records*, New York | Kazim Ali, United States Student Association | Richard Barrett, Mighty Mighty Bosstones* | Father Luis Barrios, St. Mary's Episcopal Church*, Harlem | Berkshire Cat Hospital, Lenox, MA | Kekuni Blaisdell, Ka Pakaukau*, Hawai'i | Daphne Bradshaw, President, Allegheny County, MD chapter of NOW* | Prof. Dennis Brutus, Africa Network, Pittsburgh, PA | Quo Canty & 7 other rebellious women behind bars, HI | Kenneth Carroll, poet/activist, Washington, DC | Rev. Robert W. Castle, St. Mary's Episcopal Church*, Harlem | Center for Democratic Renewal | Angel Cervantes and the 4 Winds Student Movement, CA | Dr. Phyllis Chesler, author | Mark Colasurdo, founder of Gimme Shelter Productions*, Baltimore, MD | Commandante Chrysalis, Urban Guerrilla Poets, Cleveland | Robbie Conal, guerrilla artist | Ron Daniels, Center for Constitutional Rights | Wendy Day, Rap Coalition | Bernardine Dohrn, Chicago | Carol A. Downer, Esq., Founding Director, Federation of Feminist Women's Health Centers* | Prof. Peter Erlinder, President, National Lawyers Guild | Jean Fallow, National Campaign for Freedom of Expression | Brian L. Finkel, D.O., Metro Phoenix Women's Center | Joseph Foti, Students Organizing for Justice in the Americas, UC<|>Berkeley* | Freedom Socialist Party | Marlene Gerber Fried, Director, Hampshire College Civil Liberties & Public Policy Program | Kit Gage, National Committee Against Repressive Legislation | Reg E. Gaines, playwright, poet | Gloria, poet, performer, sculptor, educator, New York | Frances Goldin, literary agent, New York | Mary Lou Greenberg, Revolutionary Communist Party, NYC, and R&R! National Council | Ronald E. Hampton, National Black Police Association | Kathleen Hanna, Bikini Kill* | Osvaldo Hernandez, Miami | Lister Hewan-Lowe, WUSB, Long Island | Danny Hoch, urban griot, New York | Merle Hoffman, founder and president, Choices Women's Medical Center | Darius James, author, poet, journalist, New York | Wendi Jones, Bay Area Coalition For Our Reproductive Rights, SF* | Brenda Joyner, Director, Feminist Women's Health Center*, Tallahassee, & R&R! National Council | Barbara Kingsolver, author, Tucson, AZ | Frank M. Kirkland Asst. Chairman, Phil. Dept., Hunter College, NY | C. Clark Kissinger, writer for Revolutionary Worker& R&R! National Council | Yuri Kochiyama, Malcolm X Committee | Tania Kostanian, MHONA International* | Prof. Joel Kovel, author, Bard College* | Ronald Kuby, defense attorney & R&R! National Council | Jaan Laaman, Ohio 7 political prisoner, Leavenworth, KS | James Lafferty, Vice President, National Lawyers Guild | La Resistencia, Houston, Texas | Oliver Lee, Hawaii Union of Socialists* | David Lester, filmmaker, R&R! National Council | Jim Levin, Director, Cleveland Public Theater* | Joseph F. Lally, Fugazi* | Pélé Lanier, Artist Management, NYC | Ed Loring, Atlanta | Ian MacKaye, Fugazi* | Michelle Mae, musician, Make-Up* | Michael Males, author, Irvine, CA | Prof. Jesse McDade, Morgan State University* | Keith McHenry, Food Not Bombs International | Dr. M.T. Mehdi, American-Arab Relations Committee | Maureen Millingen Campus Action* & the Students of Color Network* in Albany | Greg Morozumi, LaPeña*, Berkeley, CA | John Murdock, Freaks Against Fascism* | Mutabaruka, reggae dub poet | Sara Naff, Greensboro, NC | | Scott Nakagawa, Portland, Oregon | National Lawyers Guild | National Organization for Women, Hawai'i | Chapter National Organization for Women, Seattle Chapter | National Young Women's Day of Action | Network Against the "Counter-Terrorism" Act, NYC | Jo Nguyen, promoter, The Trocadero*, Philadelphia | Nickerson 7 Defense Committee, L.A., CA | Michael Novick, People Against Racist Terror | Dorsey Nunn, Know Injustice Coalition* | Options at Women's Pavilion, Greensboro, NC | Radical Women | Adrienne Rich, poet, Santa Cruz | Robert Rockwell, M.D., National Secretary of Refuse & Resist! | Dread Scott, revolutionary artist, Brooklyn | Eric A. Seitz, attorney, Hawai'i | Rae S. Seitz, M.D., Hawai'i | Seven active-duty US military personnel in Hawai'i | Seven Makua defendants, Hawai'i | Eleanor Smeal, Feminist Majority | Bob Stein, Voyager Company*, and R&R! National Council | Prof. Mark McClain Taylor, Princeton Theological Seminary, coordinator of Academics for Mumia <_>Abu-Jamal*, and R&R! National Council | Danny Tisdale, artist | Tucson Arts Brigade, AZ | Prof. J. Michael Turner, History Dept., Hunter College, CUNY | Miri Vidal, Nuclear Free & Independent Pacific (Hawai'i; Tahiti) | Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Anti- Imperialist | Joe Vlakovsky & Christian Mayfield, former U.S. Marines who refused DNA testing | George W. Webber, NY Theological Seminary* | Ann Whitfield, host, Trancemutation, WTJU-FM, Charlottesville, VA | Patricia Baird Windle, founder and president, Aware Woman Centers, FL and R&R! National Council | Norm Winter, program director, Radio Free Hawaii* | Bob Witanek, New Jersey Speak Out | Paul Wright, Prison Legal News, Washington State Reformatory | Mwalimu X. Yafari, Prison Black Liberation Army* | Zephyr, artist, NYC | Howard Zinn, author, People's History of the United States

*Solo por fines de identificación

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