Audio Icon Cornel West Interviews Bob Avakian on PRI Smiley & West radio, October 2012

Audio Icon Bob Avakian Interview by Michael Slate — Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

Audio Icon Listen here to Carl Dix, aired on WBAI in New York City (99.5FM) Thursday, March 14, on "Education at the Crossroads" with host Basir Mchawi.

Video Advertising the March 16th Premiere at Magic Johnson AMC, New York City


Bob Avakian Live

"Those this system has cast off, those it has treated as less than human, can be the backbone and driving force of a fight not only to end their own oppression, but to finally end all oppression, and emancipate all of humanity."

—From the film         

More about this film

In the fall of 2012, Bob Avakian gave a series of talks in different cities. This is a film of one of those talks.

For showings, click here. Updated: July 4, 2014

Buy the DVD.

“Yes, this is a film, but that is not its essence.  This is a daring,  substantive, scientific summoning to revolution.  6+ hours that can change how you see the world and what you do with the rest of your life.  Is this hype?  No.”

—From one of the filmmakers


See clip "What to the slave is your fourth of July? From the past to the present." from Revolution: Why It's Necessary, Why It's Possible, What It's All About, a Film of a Talk by Bob Avakian in 2003

Film Showings

Updated July 4, 2014

Send in date/time, location, and other relevant info for other public film showings in your area
to so it can be posted here.

Showings, Locations and Times

New York City

July 10, Thursday, 7 pm

Viewing and discussion of sections from the film BA Speaks: REVOLUTION–NOTHING LESS! This week: "The USA: Founded on Slavery & Genocide." Part of a series of twice a month screenings/discussions. At Revolution Books, 146 W. 26th Street, NYC. For info: 212-691-3345.

July 24, Thursday, 7 pm

Viewing and discussion of sections from the film BA Speaks: REVOLUTION–NOTHING LESS! This week: "The Revolutionary Potential of Those Most Oppressed Requires Scientific Leadership" Part of a series of twice a month screenings/discussions. At Revolution Books, 146 W. 26th Street, NYC. For info: 212-691-3345.

Los Angeles

July 17, Thursday, 7:30 pm
Screening and discussion of a chapter from BA Speaks: REVOLUTION–NOTHING LESS! Every first and third Thursday, screenings and discussions of excerpts from the film at Revolution Books, 5726 Hollywood Blvd. For info: 323-463-3500.

San Francisco Bay Area

July 10, Thursday, 7 pm

Continuing a bi-monthly series of discussions of chapters from BA Speaks: REVOLUTION–NOTHING LESS! View and discuss "A Radically Different and Far Better World Is Possible," a section from the first chapter of disc 2. At Revolution Books, Berkeley, 2425 Channing Way (near Telegraph Avenue), Berkeley. For info: 510-848-1196.


July 10, Thursday, 7 pm

Screening and discussion of excerpt from BA Speaks: REVOLUTION–NOTHING LESS! This time: "Why Things Are the Way They Are ...They Have Not Always Been This Way... They Can Be Radically Changed." Continuation of a series of screenings/discussions held on the second and fourth Thursdays throughout the summer. At Revolution Books, 2804 Mayfield Rd. (at Coventry), Cleveland Heights. For info: 216-932-2543.


July 6, Sunday, 4 pm

Weekly series of screenings and discussions of chapters from BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! This week, the excerpt and discussion will be on "Why Things Are The Way They Are...They Have Not Always Been This Way...They Can Be Radically Changed," a section from the third chapter of disc 1. At Little 5 Points Arts and Community Center, top floor room #202 (same bldg. as WRFG radio and Horizon Theatre), 1083 Austin Avenue NE @ Euclid Avenue, Atlanta. For info: 770-861-3339.


July 10, Thursday, 7:00-8:30 pm

Weekly discussion of articles from Revolution newspaper and screenings and discussions of excerpts of chapters from BA Speaks: REVOLUTION–NOTHING LESS! At Té House of Tea, 1927 Fairview @ Woodhead, in the Montrose. Please call 832-865-0408 for weekly topics, more information, or any changes in time or location.