Cornel West Interviews Bob
Avakian on PRI Smiley & West radio, October 2012
Bob Avakian Interview by
Michael Slate — Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Video Advertising the March 16th Premiere at Magic Johnson AMC, New York City
“Yes, this is a film, but that is not its
essence. This is a daring, substantive,
scientific summoning to revolution. 6+ hours
that can change how you see the world and what you
do with the rest of your life. Is this
hype? No.”
—From one of the filmmakers
See clip "What to the slave is your fourth of July? From the past to the present." from Revolution: Why It's Necessary, Why It's Possible, What It's All About, a Film of a Talk by Bob Avakian in 2003
Updated April 15, 2013
Feel free to print or email these for promotion of the film.
In the fall of 2012, Bob Avakian gave a series of talks in different cities and BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! is a film of one of these talks. Revolution newspaper encourages people who had the chance to see Bob Avakian speak live, or who have seen the film at the premieres or elsewhere, to actively talk with as many people as possible about that experience. And to encourage people to see the film.
March 9, 2013
Here's what I have to say. Feel free to use it.
I have just seen the first two hours, of six, of BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! It was like plunging into a very blue, very icy pool. I got out shivering, sad, angry, and very worried. About my life and all of our lives.
April 15, 2013
I have already read the book, "BAsics" by Bob Avakian and enjoyed it. I also enjoy Revolution the publication. But the film, "Revolution, Nothing Less" actually really shows Bob's love for the masses.
March 9, 2013
From a conscious young Black man in Chicago:
"Bob is like a Black leader but he is bigger than that" he is an emancipator for everybody.
When I say "Bob's like a Black Leader" it's because most of our leaders stood up against what's wrong and tried to make a change in our community—and that's what he do—but not just for our community, for the whole world.
March 9, 2013
Letter from a reader:
A young Latina woman and her friend were standing around and we went up to them. Gave them a palm card (of the film) and described what it was about, and I asked her, "So, what do you think about revolution?" And she said, "I don't know, I don't really care, I just go with the flow." I said, "Well you shouldn't just go with the flow, you should care cuz there is so much fucked up stuff going on." She said "Well, like what?"
March 9, 2013
I've been a witness of a BA's talk that only could be described as spectacular and much needed today. In it there are many valuable things for discussion and it poses impressive objectives that deserve the effort to get this project of the BA's movie off the ground. All this effort yearns for giving voice and inspires the possibility of a radically different world from the exasperating nightmare in which many live today....
March 9, 2013
From Manager of a Pan African bookstore, Chicago
The down-pressed peoples of the World needs and are crying out for Revolution—Nothing less! Comrade Bob Avakian painstakingly outlines in a simple, clear and forward way, the tactics and strategy of how revolution can be made and maintained within the borders of the United Snakes of America. He speaks with much courage and determination about the serious need for revolution and the crucial importance for it to be fuelled by revolutionary theory and the revolutionary science of Marxism Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought, so as to bring about a more humane understanding of society....
March 9, 2013
From Nancy Van Ness, American Creative Dance
Bob Avakian has mastered the art of communicating complex ideas so that anyone can understand them....
March 9, 2013
From a young Latina:
As a person who has seen the rough cut of this film, I think it's very important for everyone, especially young people from the hood to see this because BA talks about what they go through and he has a solution to all the oppression.
March 9, 2013
Things do not have to be the way they are! You should go listen to what Bob Avakian has to tell you. I gravitated to this message from reading BAsics. BA speaks with great passion about the horrors of the world, but he says IT DOES NOT HAVE TO LIKE THIS. You can't say it any plainer. The young people in particular should see BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS!
March 9, 2013
From an African-American Grandmother and Freedom Fighter
At the fall presentation that I attended, Bob Avakian was speaking to me.
My testimony is reflective of my experience of finally meeting someone who was able to see me as a visible, viable force of fury who has since become an inextricable part of the movement for revolution.
March 10, 2013
From an activist and organizer
After seeing and hearing BA's talk I laid awake and thought long and hard about my life and what it was going to be about from here on out. After all I have been an activist and organizer trying to mobilize people to resist and oppose the crimes of the U.S. and while resistance is critical it will go nowhere unless people think about what's next...what would really bring to an end to murderous wars for empire, the oppression of woman and minorities, and the destruction of the environment?
March 8, 2013
BA is a great revolutionary leader in today's world who has a clear understanding about what are the underlying problems of our world. He has been fighting for the goal of creating a world where there is no oppression and exploitation all his life. People who are interested in building a better future for humanity will benefit from listening to what he has to say.
March 9, 2013
From a former Peace Corps volunteer and environmental activist
Five hundred years from now, about the same amount of time that has elapsed since Columbus invaded what his class of exploiters call the "New World" and began a genocide of its native peoples, future humans, if there are still any, will look back on this time—our time—as one of the most critical in human history. Our planet is now literally teetering on the brink of environmental catastrophe, yet our so-called "leaders," of this capitalist-imperialist system we all live under, do nothing.
March 12, 2013
My conversation with Bob Avakian and my reading of his strategic plans for revolution have been challenging to say the least. To begin the conversation with focused attention on the poor and the marginalized fits my religious and biblical sensibilities. To give voice to the voiceless; to empower the powerless… these things speak to my heart as an ordained pastor and theologian. We may diverge on the various strategies employed to achieve a more just society. We may be identified by our disconnect when it comes to religion in general and Christianity in particular. But, there is great benefit in engaging in the dialogue, listening to Avakian's critique and proposal for change, and discerning your place in the ordering of society as we move into the twenty-first century. Go, listen and learn. Engage in the dialogue and critical synthesis yet unfolding. The uncritical support of any public figure or philosophy is folly. And the test of effective strategy shall not come without intense interaction and dialogue.
Rev. Robert B. Coleman
Chief Program Minister and
Minister of Social Justice
The Riverside Church in the City of New York
March 24, 2013
After seeing the film BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS, I am much more in the know that there will be no change under this system of oppression, no real future for the youth, and all the horrors of this nation and the world will go on until we all stop kidding ourselves by the notion that our government is such the superpower that they can't be defeated or that we are so powerless to just let all these outrages go on. BA was very much on point about the injustices of our youth, particularly black and brown youth that ends up entangled in our criminal (in)justice system, and how much we need to stop with blaming the youth for their plight and for why they are criminalized under this exploitive system.
March 9, 2013
From a Black man in Harlem
I'm buying a ticket for a young person who might need help getting to BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS. I want this ticket to go to a young person who is not a carbon copy of what this society wants the youth to be. Someone who wants a different future for this world. BA is one person who has the vision and the program for another world. Go hear BA and don't be a carbon copy. Be a new generation that is standing up against what keeps us enslaved.
March 13, 2013
As an Iranian communist who was involved in the 1979 revolution in Iran, I felt deep into my flesh and bones when I heard BA speak about “Revolution – Nothing Less!” The understanding he brings out in this talk, the lessons he shares, are lessons paid for in blood by thousands of revolutionaries and communists in Iran and around the world. Based on our experience in Iran, and what has happened to communist/Maoist forces in Peru as well as Nepal, people (communists and non-communists) who are seriously thinking about radical changes in the US should come to see the film of this talk. What BA says is based on objective reality and a summation of experience, including shortcomings, of communists all over the world. As comrade BA said, “Revolution is nothing to play with!” People who are serious should approach the revolution as scientists who want to change society based on a scientific approach. Sometimes revolutionaries and communists have not been prepared for a revolutionary situation. If you want to be prepared for a time when it might be possible to make a revolution, you should come listen to BA…
—An Iranian communist living in the US and fighting for the New Synthesis of BA
March 13, 2013
My personal invite to you is based on what’s possible, and necessary, and what’s true.
Often, people ask me why I haven’t quit trying, in discouragement, to change the world, or even to just stop the crimes of the US government through a mass movement of people, as supporters of World Can’t Wait are working on. The challenges are obvious, and I am aware of how rare – much too rare — it is to refuse to give in.
March 12, 2013
guy in his twenties who saw BA speak this past
"I'll be at the Magic Johnson Theater on March
16th because in this day and age its rare to
hear a man speak the truth and I'm not going to
miss an opportunity to do so."
A Black man in his early thirties who said
he's been stopped and frisked by police 30
times in a year
"I just bought a ticket to see BA speak, I'm
really interested in what he has to say, ya
know, there's a need for revolution, it won't
hurt for me to buy a ticket and see this man's
perspective and see where he's coming from. Look
like he's really into mind the community where I
come from, and he really cares for the masses of
humans around the world. Thank you."
A college student, young Black woman, who
bought her ticket:
"I encourage you to see the screening of Bob
because I am inspired to hear about someone who
thinks that they know how we can have a
revolution, change capitalism, change the
societal constructs in which we live today. I'm
very curious to understand why he believes there
are steps to reforming and changing society, and
I think it's just a very inspirational and a
motivational tool to help encourage people to
ban together, fight against societal norms and
constructs and make a change and make a
difference, starting with this generation, so
that's my little piece, I hope you go, come out
and see it!"
March 13, 2013
A Caribbean music DJ on a Houston radio show was inspired to put out a call for people to see BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS!, after listening to the Cornel West/BA interview.
file is .wmv format.
Also viewable as .mp4 file.
From a young man in high school in the SF Bay Area who has watched the rough-cut of BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS!
March 10, 2013
What stood out to you?
"When BA gets into pornography, the whole thing about porn how it really degrades women. When you get into that industry—if there's no job and you're in a desperate situation you end up getting into that because you're desperate to make ends meet. Also, this country makes clear—BA talks about the culture of patriarchy promoted for so long it's hard to know how far it goes back. When I was introduced to BA, I understood that patriarchy going on, but he gave more clear light in simple manner how it's going on in this country and how we need to bring an end to it. He makes it visual—if someone didn't know anything about what patriarchy is, he makes a very clear understanding in five minutes and you get an understanding.
April 15, 2013
The film was wonderful and every segment was important. The length was necessary because Bob Avakian doesn't always get the opportunity to speak to the people in the audience. We have to do outreach to those unfamiliar with what Bob Avakian was talking about since there's the fascist control of the media, which makes many people brainwashed.
April 13, 2013
When I first was introduced to BA's teachings, I was very shocked that this white boy was very real and knew a lot about Black life. Listening to BA, I felt that he knew just what I was going through and up against day after day.
High School Student on the Film:
March 12, 2013
Before I saw the film I had learned about the lynchings during Jim Crow and before that, and I used to think, these people were fucked up. They took slaves, they killed Black people, they were fucked up. It was always about the individual. Like, some people didn't do that, and some people did. It was never about, like, all the things that made that OK. That's what society was comfortable with. So I was always angry, I thought, how could you think that was ok? How could you see that and not say anything? ...
March 24, 2013
From a minister in Chicago:
I’m an ordained minister but my life style consisted of me being a drug addict—one of the worst kind. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do to feed my addiction. Now that my life has been changed there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to keep straight. BA is a part of my life and that is one of the things that keeps me strong—keeps me on the right path of righteousness. I believe in God first. God is my Father and I surrender my life over to him. BA is second and I surrender my life over to BA to get our world back into the righteous place where it needs to be.
Writer/Teacher/Native community chairman/Father/Grandfather and Activist in the honor of our homelands and the next seven plus generations
March 15, 2013
I am aware that we are at the crossroads where we are unable to recover any of the thousands of species destroyed by industrialization within just the last five years (about two hundred a day, so I hear). Having said that, we are already outside the realm of quick fixes for recovering the earth, air and water.
March 15, 2013
From Erin Aubry Kaplan, on the Social Focus section of
The short curve of Crenshaw between Vernon Avenue and King Boulevard has long been a kind of delta where the many rivers of black reality meet.
March 9, 2013
Having gone and listened to a live, public Bob Avakian speech, as I have, is to be exposed to one of the most provocative, serious and controversial social thinkers of our time. He's an American original who should be heard, debated and critiqued for these dramatic and troubling times.
March 9, 2013
This statement is from a woman whose son was killed by the police and who heard BA speak:
Black people need to see/hear this tape because we blinded. I was blinded at first—I'm not blinded no more. They get out and hear this about why we are oppressed the way we are. Maybe somebody will stand up and say "we stand for revolution."...
March 9, 2013
Far too many people know and live under the daily conditions of misery and exploitation of this capitalist-imperialist system. And far too many do not know that not only does the world not have to be this way, but we—together with others all over the world—have the potential to get rid of all of these completely unnecessary horrors and struggle together to build a world where everyone contributes what they can to society and gets back what they need to live a life worthy of human beings.
March 9, 2013
From Dennis Loo
If you've ever wondered whether a revolution could happen in the USA, then you need to be there. If you burn with impatience or long for something dramatically different than what authorities say is "just the way things have to be," then you need to be there.
March 9, 2013
From a small business owner and peace activist:
You have got to watch this incredibly credible movie. It is an absolute “Tour de force” by Bob Avakian that can and will move you right up to the front with thousands and then millions of others in the drive for revolution.
March 9, 2013
From a teacher in Atlanta
If you’re anything like me, the idea of watching a six hour film seems nearly impossible. I rarely get six hours of sleep a night, six hours with a friend or family member, six hours to do whatever…pretty much the only thing that allows me to spend 6, 8, 12, 16 hours is my work…my job and I guess I’m lucky to have one.
If you’re anything like me, you probably ask yourself, “Is this really as good as it gets? Is this really the best of all possible worlds?” If you’re anything like me, you’ve caught yourself compromising your hopes and dreams of a better world and a different future. Maybe you’ve caught yourself compromising your imagination to conform to what we’re told is “possible” and if you’re anything like me…maybe you’ve even started to believe that nothing will ever change. This is the best we can do, so I should quit whining, get back to work and be thankful.
March 9, 2013
From a High School Student on Hearing BA Speak:
This system cuts short the life of millions of children as they slave away in third-world factories, this system consistently allows police to murder anyone they choose, this system regards women as objects, this system literally starves people to death, this system perpetrates human suffering in all its forms. This is what we were born in to. We never decided that this is the way the world should work, but we do have an obligation to do something about it....
March 9, 2013
I want to say this to the youth in the neighborhood. This system has no future for you. You have to seriously check out Bob Avakian.
From an early age this system had me programed for prison and I wound up doing many, many years. I know about the solitary confinement, the beat downs—the struggle to keep your humanity. I was a kid when I went in and an old man when I came out.
We want to thank everyone in advance for their submissions and while we can't post everything we are receiving, we are learning a lot from everything that is coming in, so please keep writing.
dear brother Bob Avakian... is the Chairman
of the Revolutionary Communist Party.... He
is one of the few coming out of the 60's who
never sold out, he never caved in, he never
gave up, held on to his forging of a
rigorous, scientific analysis of the
objective realities that are driven by a
revolutionary love – because he has such a
deep love for poor people, oppressed people,
all around the world. Whether you agree or
disagree with our brother, one thing you
cannot deny: that he is the real thing. No
doubt about it."
–Cornel West, introducing his
interview with Bob Avakian
on the Smiley & West radio show
(October 5, 2012)
“Yes, this is a film, but that is not its essence. This is a daring, substantive, scientific summoning to revolution. 6+ hours that can change how you see the world and what you do with the rest of your life. Is this hype? No.”
—From one of the filmmakers