Cornel West Interviews Bob
Avakian on PRI Smiley & West radio, October 2012
Bob Avakian Interview by
Michael Slate — Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Video Advertising the March 16th Premiere at Magic Johnson AMC, New York City
“Yes, this is a film, but that is not its
essence. This is a daring, substantive,
scientific summoning to revolution. 6+ hours
that can change how you see the world and what you
do with the rest of your life. Is this
hype? No.”
—From one of the filmmakers
See clip "What to the slave is your fourth of July? From the past to the present." from Revolution: Why It's Necessary, Why It's Possible, What It's All About, a Film of a Talk by Bob Avakian in 2003
Updated April 18, 2013
Last weekend marked an important beginning, a launch of something new into the world. New... and quite remarkable as well. A filmed speech of Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, powerfully making the case for revolution—nothing less!, over 600 people around the country gathered together to watch the new film, entitled, quite fittingly, BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! Diverse audiences—including significant numbers of youth and a significant turnout from the most oppressed communities—got deeply into it. They listened as Bob Avakian, in six hours, gave them a whole different framework with which to understand the world... and transform it. Periods of intense attention were punctuated by outbursts of laughter, talkback to the screen, and strong applause. The accounts we are publishing of the different premieres, along with the interviews, give a sense of the response and the spirit at these events, and of the connections that were made. It was, as the publicity promised, a journey—and in another sense, the beginning of a new phase of the larger journey... to revolution!
March 22, 2013
It wasn't long into the film, BA Speaks: Revolution —Nothing Less, when the audience began responding audibly. Laughter, applause, assent. This is a masterpiece talk and the production of the film is beautiful with crystal clear sound. All this enabled people to get inside and travel with Avakian for 6+ hours, and in the process, many, many in attendance were touched to their very core —dealing with big questions about their lives and fundamental belief systems.
In LA, there were about 165 people in attendance. A very multinational audience. Groups of students came from three different state colleges throughout the city (including in some further away areas). Also, individuals from a community college and a major university. The students were mainly Black and Latino, one or two Asian students and a few white students. Probably 25 total plus handfuls of other young people. They'd heard about it from revolutionaries on campus —many who'd they seen over a number of days, as well as from professors who encouraged them to come. Over a dozen people heard about it from Michael Slate's show on KPFK, some of whom have been listening to BA on his show. A handful of Black people (in their 40s and 50s) came from a proletarian neighborhood. A group of Iranian people and a few people who speak mainly Spanish, with some English ability.
March 23, 2013
On Saturday, March 16, the Magic Johnson Theater in the heart of Harlem buzzed with excitement as people started streaming in for the premiere of BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! A multinational grouping of over 220 people gathered and watched the film. The excitement was palpable as you entered the theater, with greeters pointing people to where the movie was and talking to everyone entering the theater about what all the buzz was about. People commented that they had never seen anything quite like this, from the greeters out front, the large visuals of the film poster, the tables with literature and introductory packets for everyone who attended. People welcoming them to step into the revolution—by getting into and getting with BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS!
March 22, 2013
An excited crowd gathered at Laney College in Oakland on Sunday, March 17, in anticipation of viewing the premiere of BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! Those arriving early were greeted by representatives of the Revolution Club—Bay Area, and checked out the Revolution Books table in the lobby. Then, led by a banner-carrying contingent from the Revolution Club—East Oakland, people entered the theater to begin the day.
About 150 people were in the theater Sunday. It was a diverse group—different nationalities and ages, people drawn from all over the Bay Area. For many this was the first time they had come to such an event and a few were apprehensive about what they would find and hear. The freshness of a large section of the audience gave a different character to the event. Many, many of the people attending were not known to the organizers of the event before the day. People had heard about it in different ways—palm cards, billboard, newspaper ads, radio, class announcements and through friends. Something new was represented—new and important and fragile.
March 22, 2013
There was a sense of both seriousness and real excitement as over 120 people gathered at Ferguson Hall at Columbia College on Saturday, March 16 for the Chicago premiere of the film BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! People commented on the diversity of the audience that were all brought together to hear BA speak on the most pressing questions facing humanity. The audience was about 30 percent Black people of all ages, from high school youth, students from community colleges, and others from some of the most oppressed communities, to older people who were teachers and professionals, and people who are part of the Revolution Club and the struggle against mass incarceration and police brutality. Several people of different nationalities commented on the importance of a section of young Black people being in the house. There were a number of older Black people who said they came because they feel that the situation has become intolerable and they were looking for answers, including several people came on their own after hearing Carl Dix interviewed two days earlier on WVON, a Black radio station. About 20 percent of the audience was under 25, high school and college students and recent college graduates, as well as others of that age from the masses at the bottom of society who are working on jobs or just working to find a way to survive. The rest of audience was made up of people from all different ages, strata, interests, and nationalities—all interested in engaging BA.
March 28, 2013
BA Speaks: Revolution—Nothing Less! was screened in Atlanta on Saturday March 23 at a community center in the neighborhood where Revolution Books is located.
April 14, 2013
About 40 people of different ages and nationalities came out to see BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! at Cleveland State University, sponsored by the Black Studies Program and Revolution Books. As people came up to get packets, some felt that they were coming to something new and arising while others were curious. Most of the people had just recently heard of BA, so it was eye opening and new to them.
March 28, 2013
20 people attended the opening of BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! at Revolution Books in Honolulu. In spite of the relatively small number attending, the audience was remarkably diverse and included proletarians and professionals, '60s activists and college students, former prisoners and veterans.
March 28, 2013
Over 40 people gathered at a shop in Third Ward, one of the oldest and largest Black communities in Houston, for Houston's initial showing of the film BA Speaks: Revolution—Nothing Less!
March 28, 2013
Last Sunday, March 24, Revolution Books in Seattle was at times filled to overflowing with a total of 40 people watching the film BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! It was a diverse crowd of various nationalities and ages. Although some people did leave early, a number of them said they wished they could stay for the rest of it, with some of them leaving with a copy of the DVD or plans for getting the DVD.
The following is a slightly edited text of a speech given by Andy Zee of Revolution Books at the BA Everywhere fundraising dinner in New York City on April 6, 2013. This talk followed the playing of the chapter from BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! Bob Avakian Live titled: “Emancipating Humanity…Transforming Conditions & Transforming Human Nature” and the first half minute of the next chapter up to the sentence that Andy Zee begins with. At the end of the talk, Andy Zee incorporated some particular information for NY that pertained to some of the ways for people to get involved. People are welcome to adapt this for upcoming fundraising dinners in other cities.
April 28, 2013
April 18, 2013
April 14, 2013
April 14, 2013
Apri 22, 2013
During the run-up to the premieres, articles from Revolution newspaper played a key role in summing up lessons and challenging people with new ideas. "BA: A Contended Question," and "We Call Bullshit" challenged conventional wisdom about BA and communism. Editorials drew out the importance of the film and "What the World Needs Now." Many of these articles are available in "Key Articles/Archives".
At the March 16-17 premieres of the film BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Bay Area, Revolution interviewed dozens of audience members during the intermissions and at the end of the showings. The following are excerpts from some of those interviews.
21-year-old Black man from Harlem
Q: Is there anything so far that has surprised you?
One thing—I wasn't surprised, but in America, a lot of people do say this is the land of the free, land of this. But people like me, it's just totally the opposite because I'm the definition of America's enemy. I'm a young Black youth in the inner city. They wrote us off before we was born. We was convicted at birth, that's how I feel sometimes. But one thing that surprised me—the whole thing is a surprise to me, actually. Because I'm not—me, myself, I'm not used to actually engaging in real issues that may be in society. So this is being real direct, just talking about stuff that makes sense, really engage me as a person.
Excerpts from an interview with a student who attended one of the premieres of the film BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! and, from his perspective, talks about his experience in taking the DVD of the film out to others.