Announcing the Fall 2013 Sustainer Drive for
September 23, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |
Right now, you are needed to become, or renew being, a regular financial sustainer of with a regular monthly contribution. This can be monthly commitments of $500, $100 or $10, depending on your capability. All of it matters.
Pledge today online at (click through to "Sustain"), or go to your local Revolution newspaper distributor, or the Revolution Books store or outlet nearest you. You can also send checks or money orders to: RCP Publications, Box 3486 Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL 60654. Make checks payable to "RCP Publications."
A great deal rides on how well the website can play its role, enabling humanity to understand and radically change the world. It is really indispensable. One year ago, the new, revitalized was unveiled for the world. Right now it depends on your sustained support.

Tens of thousands come each month to this website from the U.S. and worldwide. Ten times that number need to find out about it, and the website's capability needs to grow to bring alive the analysis and leadership we have, and to make it possible for people to see the role they and others are playing in the fight to radically change this world.
For many people this website is a regular political lifeline, the main connection to this movement for revolution. Many others are driven to by outrages they see and feel—the mass incarceration of millions of mainly Black and brown people in the U.S.; the worldwide epidemic of rape and pornography and the vicious war on women including attacks in the U.S. on the basic right to abortion; the moves by the U.S. to attack Syria and the outrageous "justifications" (lies!) coming from Obama; Snowden's exposures of government spying. Some come to read the analysis of uprisings around the world. Others come looking for more overall revolutionary theory and leadership, and they find this particularly in the work and leadership of Bob Avakian, as well as in the Party that he leads, and the movement for revolution that is emerging.
On a visitor can find what this whole revolution is about and find their place in it. And it's the main way people around the world can encounter and engage the new synthesis of communism brought forward by Bob Avakian.
Wherever you are in this political mix, your regular financial support is needed now for to meet these needs.
A Statement from the
Revolutionary Communist Party
[Revolution newspaper] plays a pivotal role in carrying out our strategy. Through publishing works of Bob Avakian, and through many different articles, interviews, letters, graphics, and other features, Revolution enables people to really understand and act to radically change the world....It gives people a living picture and scientific analysis of what is going on in the world, and why....It exposes the true nature of this system, and shows how major events in society and the world are concentrations of the basic contradictions of this oppressive and putrid system....It brings alive the need and possibility for revolution and a whole new society and world....It heightens the ability of growing numbers of people, in all parts of this country, to act politically in a unified way, and to wrestle with and help find solutions to the problems of our movement, on the basis of a growing revolutionary consciousness....It is the key instrument in developing an organized political network, among the most oppressed and other sections of the people, which can have a growing impact on the political scene and the society (and the world) as a whole, building up the forces of revolution and influencing ever broader numbers of people....It provides a foundation and a means for extending the "reach" of the revolutionary movement and building up bases for this movement—in neighborhoods, where people work and go to school, and wherever people come together—and especially where they resist and rebel against this system.
Over this summer and now into the fall, has been the hub of efforts to bring to people and popularize the film, Bob Avakian Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! Bob Avakian Live and the BA Everywhere campaign to raise big funds to project Bob Avakian's vision and works into every corner of society.
The website has been the key place to find out about the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride, the struggle that erupted around the trial of the murderer of Trayvon Martin, the California prisoners' hunger strike, and what these have to do with liberating humanity.
Again, wherever you are in this political mix, your sustained financial support is needed. Join the community of financial sustainers for
This website and Revolution newspaper are playing a critical role, right now and moving ahead. But the too-low level of regular funding is even now a real constraint, and regular funding that we don't now have is needed to meet the needs ahead. This must change, and right now you are an important part of that.
Consider what is involved to do this. Through a collaboration of reporters and correspondents with editors and political leadership we are applying science to go beneath the surface to the roots and meaning of developing events, and then breaking that down in a way that is accessible to an audience ranging from the universities to the prisons. Facts are carefully checked. Photos are found and paid for. Graphics are produced. All this takes people, and there is a great need to expand our full-time staff.
If this is the first time you've considered sustaining, start now. If you are a sustainer, consider increasing your amount. If you have sustained in the past but not now, pick it up again. If you have been a sustainer but have missed some payments, help figure out how those funds can be systematically turned in. Let others know, and think big.
NOTE: International readers can play an important role by reading, corresponding with, and popularizing At this time we are not able to accept financial contributions from outside the U.S.
Contributions or gifts to RCP Publications are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
The web is not free!
Some more of what regular funds are needed for, not just to maintain but to expand:
- Office space;
- Computers and servers;
- Internet connections;
- The domain;
- Software maintenance and upgrades;
- Sending out e-subscriptions (no, those are NOT free!);
- Making it possible for reporters to cover the important stories;
- Popularizing and advertising the website;
- Paying for the photos used;
- Further developing our technical abilities;
- Supporting full-time editors and designers;
- And more...
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