The Police Are STILL Killing Unarmed People, and This Must STOP!
Cornel West and Carl Dix
Updated April 4, 2015 | Originally posted March 26, 2015 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us

BE THERE Monday, April 6
Monday, April 6, 7 PM
New York City
St. Paul & St. Andrews Church
West 86th Street & West End Avenue
1 train; M86 bus
Special Messages to the April 6 Program
from Alice Walker:
from Cindy Sheehan:
Come hear Cornel West and Carl Dix
speak on April 6 about what needs to be done and massive outpourings on April 14.
Join with family members of those whose lives have been stolen by the murdering police.
Special messages from Alice Walker, Cindy Sheehan, Arturo O'Farrill, Eve Ensler and others.
Stop Mass Incarceration Network
After the protests of last year, after promises were made and investigations were launched, after hundreds of protesters were arrested… the police are still getting away with killing people, especially Black and Latino people. This must STOP!
Learn more and get involved HERE.

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