Updated 4/30/2021
From the film of the Dialogue Revolution & Religion:
"The film brings you up close inside Cornel West's and Bob Avakian's dialogue: the passion, the audacity, the science, the morality, the revolutionary substance. Two courageous voices modeling a morality that refuses to accept injustice – pouring heart and soul into standing together challenging all of us to fight for a world worthy of humanity."
Andy Zee,
co-director of the film
There will never be a revolutionary movement in this country that doesn't fully unleash and give expression to the sometimes openly expressed, sometimes expressed in partial ways, sometimes expressed in wrong ways, but deeply, deeply felt desire to be rid of these long centuries of oppression [of Black people]. There's never gonna be a revolution in this country, and there never should be, that doesn't make that one key foundation of what it's all about.
BAsics 3:19
Letters from prisoners
On BAsics 3:16
first started getting into trouble with the law when I was five or six
and I've been in jail, on probation or parole, or "at large" for the
past fifty years... I have come to believe Bob Avakian and the
Revolutionary Communist Party are the only true friends of we who are
forced to live beneath the belly of the beast.
Do you know anyone else—any person or organization—that has managed to bring forth an actual PLAN for a radically different society, in all its dimensions, and a CONSTITUTION to codify all this? — A different world IS possible — Check out and order online the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal).
Excerpts from "The Oppression of Black People, The Crimes of This System and the Revolution We Need"
Read entire special issue at: "The Oppression of Black People, The Crimes of This System and the Revolution We Need"
There is the potential for something of unprecedented beauty to arise out of unspeakable ugliness: Black people playing a crucial role in putting an end, at long last, to this system which has, for so long, not just exploited but dehumanized, terrorized and tormented them in a thousand ways—putting an end to this in the only way it can be done—by fighting to emancipate humanity, to put an end to the long night in which human society has been divided into masters and slaves, and the masses of humanity have been lashed, beaten, raped, slaughtered, shackled and shrouded in ignorance and misery.
Bob Avakian, Chairman, Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
March 28, 2016
March 21, 2016
November 30, 2015
March 7, 2016
Quintonio Legrier Bettie Jones
December 26, 2015
Chicago, November 27, 2015
Rise Up October, October 24, 2015, New York City. The front of the march. Photo: Erik McGregor
Carl Dix speaking at Washington Square Park. Photo: Revolution/revcom.us
Cornel West speaking at Washington Square Park. Photo: Phil Buehler
#SAYHERNAME contingent. The #SAYHERAME campaign documents women murdered by police. Photo: Cindy Trinh/Activists of New York
Jivonte Lee Davis, a close friend of Tony Robinson who was killed by the Madison police on March 5, 2015. Photo: Revolution/revcom.us
Justus Howell was killed by police in Zion, Illinois, April 14, 2015. Photo: Revolution/revcom.us
Eve Ensler, Carl Dix, Cornel West, Quentin Tarantino, on march with family members. Photo: twitter.com/tuneintorevcom
"Ferguson is in the House"—Contingent of Ferguson and St. Louis activists marched on October 24.
Members from Stop Mass Incarceration, San Francisco/Bay Area, CA. Photo: Revolution/revcom.us
Revolution Club contingent, made up of members from around the country. Photo: Revolution/revcom.us
En route from Washington Square Park to Bryant Park. Photo: Oscar Diaz @oscmdiaz
Artwork contributed to Rise Up October
Artwork contributed to Rise Up October
Photo: Cindy Trinh/Activists of New York
The Audre Lorde Project demanding justice for Yvonne McNeil, a homeless lesbian, murdered by the NYPD in October 2011. Photo: Revolution/revcom.us
St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Harlem, New York. Photo: Revolution/revcom.us
Youth and others take the message to Times Square. Police attacked, and arrested six people. Photo: twitter.com/StopMassIncNet
Huge, beautiful portraits of people killed by the prison system and prison authorities were contributed to Rise Up October by French street artist/photographer JR as part of his #insideoutproject-A Global Art Project. Photo: Revolution/revcom.us
South Bronx Community Congress. Photo: Revolution/revcom.us
Unitarian Universalists. Photo: Revolution/revcom.us
Columbia University students. Photo: Noel Altaha @ngaltaha
Demanding justice for Justus Howell and all victims of police murder
November 2, 2015
October 26, 2015
by Annie Day
November 2, 2015
by Annie Day
November 9, 2015
November 9, 2015
November 6, 2015
"What they’re doing is pretty obvious," he said. "Instead of dealing with the incidents of police brutality that those people were bringing up, instead of examining the problem of police brutality in this country, better they single me out. And their message is very clear. It’s to shut me down. It’s to discredit me. It is to intimidate me. It is to shut my mouth, and even more important than that, it is to send a message out to any other prominent person that might feel the need to join that side of the argument."
Read the latest statements here
Cheers to Jamie Foxx for speaking out and defending Quentin Tarantino against the attacks by police unions at the Hollywood Film Awards on Sunday, November 1. When Foxx had the stage to present an award, referring to Tarantino's words at the October 24th Rise Up October demonstration, he told Tarantino to "Keep telling the truth, keep speaking the truth and don't worry about none of the haters."
October 28, 2015
October 26, 2015
November 2, 2015