A Summer of Big Challenges and Intense Struggle
As spring turns to summer, the situation in the world, and in this country, is very intense. There is potential for eruptions "in the routine," of one kind or another. The actual events in the world, the dynamics driving forward and giving rise to these events, and the potential within these events to develop in all kinds of different directions, including ones favorable to revolution—is the reality. This is the situation that the movement for revolution confronts.
Revolution Interview with Sunsara Taylor
Abortion Rights Freedom Ride
From both coasts, and through the middle of the country
Sunsara Taylor talks about the plans for the Abortion on Demand and Without Apology Freedom Ride set to begin in July, the emergency situation threatening abortion rights, where the oppression of women comes from, why unleashing the fury of women is essential to revolution as a whole, and other crucial questions.
Turkey: A Bright Carnival in the Shadow of a Revengeful State
"It started out about a park, but now it's about everything," someone tweeted in the middle of the night as protesters fought police in Istanbul's Taksim Square. As we go to press, massive protests are raging throughout the country of Turkey.
Photo: AP
Photo: AP
by Joe Veale
"In California, individuals can be added to the CalGang Database without being arrested or accused of a crime...."
Trial of Trayvon Martin's Killer Begins
All eyes on Sanford, Florida
Anger at the murder of Trayvon Martin has not gone away. People are determined that there be justice.
Also in this issue
As We Go to Press...
Emerging Outrage, Scandal Over Massive Government Spying on People in the U.S.
On June 5, an article by Glenn Greenwald in the British newspaper the Guardian revealed that the FBI and the National Security Agency (NSA) used the PATRIOT Act to obtain a secret warrant ordering Verizon to turn over data on every single call that went through its system. As additional exposure comes to light, it is becoming more and more clear that this is just the tip of an iceberg.
From The Michael Slate Show
Interview with Sal Silva, Father of David Sal Silva—Victim of Police Murder
Sal Silva speaks about the outrageous killing of his son David by Sherriff's deputies in Bakersfield, California, on May 8.
Edward Snowden: "I Don't Want to Live in a Society That Does These Sorts of Things"
June 9, 2013
Bradley Manning Trial Opens
Exposing War Crimes Is an Act of Moral Courage, Not a Crime!
The trial of Bradley Manning is the most significant political trial in this country in many years.
How Slow Genocide Can Go to Fast Genocide:
U.S. Senator Proposes
"Crushing" Gang by Mass
Roundup and Incarceration
Mark Kirk, U.S. Senator from Illinois (Republican), recently proposed that the Gangster Disciple gang be “crushed” by rounding up 18,000 of them in Chicago and imprisoning them.
Read more
From The Michael Slate Show
Interview with Jules Lobel, Lead Attorney for California Lawsuit Against Solitary Confinement
Jules Lobel, President of the Center for Constitutional Rights and professor of law at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, speaks about the conditions of torture faced by prisoners held in isolation.
BA Everywhere at Art Murmur in Oakland
Genocidal Realities
All Out for the Summer 2013 BA Everywhere Indiegogo Fundraising Campaign!
June 12, 2013
New & Breaking News...
BA Everywhere Online Summer Crowdfunding Campaign Launched!
Go to: igg.me/at/BAEverywhere-Summer2013/x/3490102
Now Available in Portuguese:

A Manifesto from
the Revolutionary
Communist Party, USA
A Spring Thunder Resonating Far and Wide
June 20, 2013
Available in English and Turkish
From A World to Win News Service
Turkey: A bright carnival in the shadow of a revengeful state
June 20, 2013
From The Michael Slate Show:
Interview with Psychiatrist Terry Kupers on the Devastating Effects of Prison Isolation
June 20, 2013
New & Updated Monday 6/17
Five Points of Orientation
On the Revelations of Government Surveillance
(Updated 6/17)
Stop Government Surveillance
Connect with the Revolution
Revolution Interview: Shayana Kadidal, of the Center for Constitutional Rights, on the Government's Massive Phone and Internet Spying
Check it out... Dirty Wars
June 10—National Hoodie Day:
Saying NO MORE to Open Season on Black Youth!
Voices from Sanford, Florida: Opening Day of Zimmerman Trial: We are All Trayvon Martin! We Demand Justice!
Raising significant funds in Harlem for "human billboard" in Sanford, Florida
End the Censorship of Revolution Newspaper at California's Pelican Bay State Prison (PBSP)
U.S. Military Escalation in Syria...Yet More Horrors in Store for the Syrian People
Immigration and Two Constitutions:
Heartless and Vicious... v. Starting from the Interests of Humanity
Urgent Challenge to Readers:
Donate to Maintain the Presence of revcom.us in Sanford, Florida!
June 12, 2013
Updates from Sanford and around the country (6/14/2013)
The Trial of Trayvon's Killer
The People's Demand for Justice
June 14, 2013
Hook up with the revolution
Coming Events at Revolution Books