Revolution #65, October 15, 2006


October 5: Thousands March Against the Bush Regime…Hundreds of Thousands More Urgently Needed!

On October 5, thousands of people in over 200 cities came out to manifest their opposition to the Bush regime and the whole direction that it represents. The demonstrators and those who supported them took a strong stand at a dangerous time—a time when this regime has gone on a new offensive, passing the draconian new law legalizing torture and revoking fundamental legal rights as well as defending their wars in the Middle East, and laying a basis for still worse. The pictures on this page give a sense of the breadth and determination of those who took up this call.

But this must be multiplied. Quickly. Hundreds of thousands, indeed millions, need to take up active opposition to this regime. As the website of World Can’t Wait states, “There is time, but there is very little time.” Things are moving very fast. In this light, we call on our readers to more than ever take up the call of World Can’t Wait, struggle with others to come forward, and to continue to go forward in this next crucial period to help realize its aims. [See the important message from World Can’t Wait.]

We will have further coverage in our next issue. In the meantime, we call on our readers to correspond with us, to write us with your experiences and thoughts off of October 5.

Send us your comments.

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