Revolution #195, March 14, 2010

"From the Burkha to the Thong: Everything Must, and Can, Change—WE NEED TOTAL REVOLUTION!"
Sunsara Taylor National Campus Speaking Tour

Organizers' Kit

Something new is happening on campuses across the country this spring. In a provocative speech, "From the Burkha to the Thong: Everything Must, and Can, Change—WE NEED TOTAL REVOLUTION!" Sunsara Taylor is challenging and engaging a broad section of students to think in new ways about the world, about the situation of women, and about the necessity and possibility for fundamental change. As the announcement for the speaking tour brings out, Sunsara is recruiting a new generation for revolution and building a movement for revolution–starting now!

Learning from the experience in building for the tour in New York City, we have put together a basic organizing kit for making this happen, reaching new audiences with the most radical and liberating revolution that can liberate women and all of humanity. This is aimed towards assisting those who already have tour dates set up; and to enable those who want to bring Sunsara to their campus to envision how they could do this.

Keep in mind:

Organizing kit includes:

  1. Flyer for the speaking tour
  2. "From the Burkha to the Thong" Street Theater
    1. We did it and you can too
    2. Script
    3. One student's experience: "Black Lace Eyes"
  3. Fundraising
    1. Notes on fundraising
    2. Fundraising letter
    3. Sample invitation to salon
  4. Notes on media work
  5. National press release
  6. Correspondence from Alice Woodward on Sunsara's tour and the campaign for "The Revolution We Need, the Leadership We Have"
  7. Using Facebook
  8. "Dear NYU" – letter to campus newspaper
  9. Materials for the event
    1. Sample event program
    2. Audience survey to insert into programs

Download the entire kit.

Keep in contact with the coordinator of Sunsara's speaking tour at

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