Revolution #244, August 28, 2011

Get BAsics Out on YouTube! (UPDATE)

New digital uploading instructions and new videos posted

Posted Thursday, August 25, 2011

Be part of making BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian, impact the internet by making videos of people reading quotes from BAsics and sending them to be posted at the YouTube channel

To send the video, use an easy online service like or and e-mail the video to, or snail mail a flash drive or DVD to Revolution Books, 146 W. 26th St., New York, NY 10001.
Read this correspondence for some guidelines on how to do this. Two new videos are great examples, here and here. The article "Get BAsics Out on YouTube" in Revolution emphasized that we should make these videos in a way that protects people’s privacy. Pick a good spot to record the video, and, before you start recording, have a stack of hats, dark wrap-around glasses, bandanas, and so on. Get creative with things people can wear while they record their videos.

From a previous letter to Revolution: "What we have with this YouTube project is a chance to amplify and magnify the impact of BAsics. To do it right, we need all kinds of voices sharing their favorite quotes from BAsics—a whole range of voices, comin’ up from the underground—projecting the exciting and unpredictable breadth of the movement for revolution that we are building. Bringing out of the shadows people who are attracted to this book on one level or another, from one angle or another."

Also, check out new videos featuring reg e. gaines, William Parker and others with more to come. Watch and share them all at


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