"If you're one of those people who've said 'Call me when the time is right and I'll be there' then here's that call"

March 10, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us


From Dennis Loo, Ph.D.:

If you've ever wondered whether a revolution could happen in the USA, then you need to be there. If you burn with impatience or long for something dramatically different than what authorities say is "just the way things have to be," then you need to be there. If you were heartened by Occupy's verve, energy, and determination, but saw that there are some real limitations keeping them from realizing their goal of ending savage injustices, then you need to be there. If you're sick and tired of anti-rationalist bible-thumping, white supremacism, misogyny, great power chauvinism, and free market fundamentalists who are literally destroying the earth and society's fabric in pursuit of their disastrous visions, then you need to be there. If you're intensely curious to hear and get into how the foremost revolutionary in the world today re-envisions and has rekindled the communist project, then you have to be there. If you're one of those people who've said "Call me when the time is right and I'll be there" then here's that call. Come if you want to be part of bringing into being the core of what can eventually become the critical mass that will change history and wrest an entirely different fate from our times than what the forces in charge are now heading us all headlong into.

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