"No Solutions" in Gender Studies—One Solution for Humanity

September 15, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us


A comment from a reader:

Today in one of my Gender Studies classes (which is actually pretty interesting!) my classmate asked what the solution was if the state so successfully dissipates dissent through inclusion, like "a black president." My professor responded, "There are no solutions," and then class was over. She didn't even claim to have any! So the solution is literally to suffer? Awesome. Sounds great. Where has THAT "leadership" been my whole life!? Ughh.

I told that student that the solution was clear! This system isn't somehow corrupted; the state power hasn't fallen into the wrong hands: THE SYSTEM IS WORKING EXACTLY HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO. WE NEED A RADICALLY DIFFERENT STATE POWER, the DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT. So no solutions? Nope. That's not a thing. It's more like ONE SOLUTION: REVOLUTION!!! You know what her response was? "That's extreme!" OMG. You know what's extreme??? Telling a class full of concerned faces and swelling minds there are "no solutions." You know what's extreme!??? Capitalism's death toll! The emergency of our planet! The situation for the vast majority of humanity whose dreams are under attack by this system!

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