Time for Courage
Stop Massive U.S. Surveillance!
Transcript of the speech given by Andy Zee, spokesperson for Revolution Books, New York City, at the program "WE WILL NOT BE COMPLICIT" at Cooper Union in New York on June 19, shortly after the revelations of massive U.S. government surveillance.
Emergency NYC Forum Responds to Government Spying:
We will not be complicit. We do not consent. We take responsibility to act.
The most massive government spying/surveillance program in history has been revealed. This is a pivotal moment. There is a real political battle that must be fought, with high stakes. In the face of this situation, World Can't Wait (WCW) stepped forward to give direction to, and to provide a vehicle for, expressing mass outrage.
Five Points of Orientation
On the Revelations of Government Surveillance
Stop Government Surveillance
Connect with the Revolution
A Spring Thunder Resounding Far and Wide
A social uprising on a scale not seen in recent decades has burst into the open in Turkey--rejecting the way things are, and bringing massive numbers of protesters into the streets in more than 70 cities and towns.
Click here for the full article, in Turkish and English.
More on Turkey and Brazil:
From a World to Win News Service
Turkey: A bright carnival in the shadow of a revengeful state
"It started out about a park, but now it's about everything," someone tweeted in the middle of the night as protesters fought police in Istanbul's Taksim Square.
Starting with smaller protests against public transportation fare hikes in late June, the South American nation of Brazil rapidly became convulsed with massive, righteous protest. The upheaval is shaking Brazil on a scale and with intensity not seen in decades.
BA Everywhere
Sights and Sounds from BA Everywhere
Fundraising Events and Outings Start Summer Plans
As spring drew to a close, there were get-togethers and outings to neighborhoods in various cities to start off the exciting and ambitious summer 2013 plans for BA Everywhere, a multifaceted fundraising campaign to project Bob Avakian—BA—his voice and his work way out into society, far beyond what it is today.
Also in this issue
Donate to Send revcom.us Back to Sanford
"We came out to bring a delegation to show that people down here who are facing this aren't fighting this alone."
We Are All Trayvon, and We Need to Take That Message to the Streets!
What Happens When We Let the System Work?
Anyone who says we can expect justice for Trayvon by letting the system work either doesn't know how this system has historically inflicted injustice on Black people or hopes those who hear them don't know this history.
End the Censorship of Revolution Newspaper at California's Pelican Bay State Prison (PBSP)
Statement with signatories against the move by prison authorities to withhold Revolution newspaper from prisoners at the Security Housing Unit (SHU) at Pelican Bay State Prison.
Statement from Pelican Bay Prisoners:
"We have to put our lives on the line to force CDCR to do what's right"
"Being in the SHU feels like psychological torture"
Sister of a prisoner being held at the Pelican Bay State Prison in California writes on the horrors of isolation.
Interview with Psychiatrist Terry Kupers on the Devastating Effects of Prison Isolation
Dr. Terry Kupers is a psychiatrist and expert on the psychological effects of prison conditions, including isolated confinement in supermaximum security units. He is Institute Professor at the Wright Institute and Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association.
Immigration and Two Constitutions:
Heartless and Vicious... v. Starting from the Interests of Humanity
What the Record Shows:
Nothing Good Has—or Will—Come from U.S. Imperialist Intervention in Syria or Anywhere Else
The U.S. recently announced arming some forces fighting against the Syrian regime. The basic facts about the results of U.S. interventions in the region show beyond doubt that U.S. actions bring nothing but horrors for the people.
Check it out...
Black against Empire: The History and Politics of the Black Panther Party
New book by Joshua Bloom and Waldo E. Martin Jr.
Check it out...
Dirty Wars
New film by Jeremy Scahill and David Riker.
Genocidal Realities
Mistrial for Cop Who Killed Aiyana Stanley-Jones... Pig Comments on Trayvon... Racist Tweets v. Mexican-American Kid... Deadly Health Disparities
Aiyana Stanley Jones. Photo: AP
On the Situation of Youth and BA Everywhere Fundraising:
"I received a phone call..."
Revolution Interview with Sunsara Taylor
Abortion Rights Freedom Ride
From both coasts, and through the middle of the country
Sunsara Taylor talks about the plans for the Abortion on Demand and Without Apology Freedom Ride set to begin in July, the emergency situation threatening abortion rights, where the oppression of women comes from, why unleashing the fury of women is essential to revolution as a whole, and other crucial questions.

Abortion Rights Freedom Ride!
Why I'm Going
A young woman writes about her decision to go on the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride.
From The World Can't Wait:
Indict the Criminals Responsible for Vast Government Spying
Hands Off Edward Snowden
For his courageous and principled action in revealing vast, unlawful surveillance by the United States, we defend Edward Snowden and call on others to join us in opposing the U.S. government's plans to gain custody of him, try him and imprison him on espionage charges.
Revolution Interview:
Shayana Kadidal, of the Center for Constitutional Rights, on the Government's Massive Phone and Internet Spying
Revolution talked to Shayana Kadidal, senior managing attorney for the Guantánamo Global Justice Initiative at the CCR in New York City, to learn more about this massive surveillance by the U.S. government. Among the cases Kadidal has been involved in at CCR are legal challenges to the NSA's warrantless surveillance program.
New & Breaking News...
Two Comments on News Coverage of the Trial of Trayvon Martin's Killer
June 28, 2013
Orlando Sentinel Censors “We Say No More!” Statement on Killing of Trayvon Martin
June 28, 2013
Coming soon: Reports and photos from the June 21, 22, and 23 Days of Solidarity with the Struggle to End Prison Torture!
Kanye West Needs to Learn the Difference Between the Cry of Rebellion of the Slave (New or Old) and the Frustrated Rage of the Wannabe New Slave Master
Update: June 27, 2013
BA Everywhere Online Summer 2013 Crowdfunding Campaign:
Making a Difference, Changing the World
On revcom.us, follow updates at
BA Everywhere.
Protest Against Extreme Anti-Abortion Law in Texas
"It was like a dam burst open"
A Message from Sunsara Taylor
On the Occasion of a Support Rally for a Courageous Abortion Doctor in Opposition to the Christian Fascists Who Would Like to See Her Dead
The Battle to Save Beatriz's Life:
High Court in El Salvador Blocks Abortion
Prisoners Write On:
"What to the Prisoner Is Your Fourth of July?"
From A World to Win News Service: Turkey: A Movement Touching Deepening Chords
June 26, 2013
From A World to Win News Service: "It all started with a tree"—statement by the Communist Party of Iran (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist)
June 26, 2013
A Summer of Big Challenges and Intense Struggle
Emergency Call! Join Us in Stopping Torture in U.S. Prisons!
An Evening of Conscience in Solidarity with the California Prison Hunger Strike + A Report Back from Sanford, Florida
A video of the event at Revolution Books, June 22, 2013
On the Importance of the Slogan "We Are All Trayvon, the Whole Damn System Is Guilty"
June 24, 2013
Statement from the Los Angeles Branch of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Reports from Sanford, Florida
Postings from Sanford, Florida, where the trial of George Zimmerman is going on
Voices from Sanford, Florida
Opening Day of Zimmerman Trial: We are All Trayvon Martin! We Demand Justice!
The Trial of Trayvon's Killer, the People's Demand for Justice
Voices from Goldsboro
June 28, 2013
Hook up with the revolution
Coming Events at Revolution Books