The Stakes of the Trayvon Martin Case... and the Need to SEIZE THE TIME!
Right now, American society—with the whole world increasingly taking notice—is polarizing. Two sides are lining up—one upholding the right of the Trayvon Martins of this world to live and flourish and, if they are attacked, to have justice... and the other upholding the supposed rights of people like George Zimmerman to kill people like Trayvon with impunity.
The Trial of George Zimmerman; the Persecution of Trayvon Martin
Observations from the first week of the Zimmerman trial.
"We Say NO MORE!"
The killing of Trayvon Martin and 2.4 million in prison make clear that there is a whole generation of Black and Latino youth who have been marked and treated as a "generation of suspects" to be murdered and jailed. This is not an issue for Black people alone but for all who care about justice; it is not a random tragedy. We say NO MORE!
Orlando Sentinel Censors "We Say NO MORE" Statement on the Killing of Trayvon Martin
Prisoners Write On:
"What to the Prisoner Is Your Fourth of July?"
From Pelican Bay Prison, California
"No longer can we sit idle while we are dehumanized"
Prisoner writes on the conditions in the isolation unit, known as the SHU.
Days of Solidarity with the Struggle to End Prison Torture!
On June 21, 22 and 23, events were held around the country as part of Days of Solidarity with the Struggle to End Prison Torture. In New York, Los Angeles, the San Francisco/Bay Area, and Chicago, people responded to the EMERGENCY CALL signed by over 150 people to "Join Us in Stopping Torture in U.S. Prisons!"
BA Everywhere
BA Everywhere Online Summer 2013 Crowdfunding Campaign
Making a Difference, Changing the World
Go to the BA Everywhere Indiegogo page to contribute to the Summer Campaign to spread the liberating vision and framework for a radically different world developed by the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian.

Days of Solidarity, Evenings of Conscience
Evenings of Conscience were held in New York City and Oakland, California, as part of the June 21-23 Days of Solidarity with the Struggle to End Prison Torture.
Landmark Decisions on Same Sex Marriage...The Struggle Must Continue
Photo: AP
Also in this issue
Two Comments on News Coverage of the Trial of Trayvon Martin's Killer
On the Importance of the Slogan "We Are All Trayvon, the Whole Damn System Is Guilty"
"From Harlem and the Bronx: We are All Trayvon! The Whole Damn System is Guilty!"
Kanye West Needs to Learn the Difference Between the Cry of Rebellion of the Slave (New or Old) and the Frustrated Rage of the Wannabe New Slave Master
Supreme Court Guts Voting Rights Protection for Millions of Black and Latino People
The "highest court of the land" has basically overthrown the Voting Rights Act, opening the door wide to all kinds of laws that suppress the voting rights of Black, Latino, and other oppressed people.
Supreme Court Tightens Noose Around Affirmative Action
Obama on Government Surveillance: "The same way it's always been..."
In an interview on the Charlie Rose Show June 17. Obama attempted to reassure the audience: "If you are a U.S. person the NSA cannot listen to your telephone calls and the NSA cannot target your e-mails.... The same way it's always been..."
Revolution Interview with Sunsara Taylor
Abortion Rights Freedom Ride
From both coasts, and through the middle of the country
Sunsara Taylor talks about the plans for the Abortion on Demand and Without Apology Freedom Ride set to begin in July, the emergency situation threatening abortion rights, where the oppression of women comes from, why unleashing the fury of women is essential to revolution as a whole, and other crucial questions.
Protest Against Extreme Anti-Abortion Law in Texas
"It was like a dam burst open"
A Message from Sunsara Taylor
On the Occasion of a Support Rally for a Courageous Abortion Doctor in Opposition to the Christian Fascists Who Would Like to See Her Dead
Statement sent to a June 26 rally in support of the doctor who has been flying into Wichita, Kansas, where Dr. George Tiller was killed in 2009, to provide abortions for women who need them.
The Battle to Save Beatriz' Life:
High Court in El Salvador Blocks Abortion
Genocidal Realities
Sick racist culture on the screen
This weekend, the new film The Heat is opening in theaters across the country. The commercial—being played all over TV— shows these two cops hanging a young Black out of a window... and then dropping him onto a car.
From A World to Win News Service
Turkey: Seeking How to Resist
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's efforts to crush resistance have continued with early morning police raids on the homes of 20 people accused of "terrorism" for participating in demonstrations in Ankara. These arrests occurred amid anger in that city over the release of a policeman who shot and killed a young demonstrator at close range.
Photo: AP
From A World to Win News Service
Turkey: A Movement Touching Deepening Chords
From A World to Win News Service
"It all started with a tree"
—statement by the Communist Party of Iran (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist)
Massacres at the Heart of America's "War on Terror"
"War crimes, crimes against humanity...things that a person simply cannot come back from...."
Three massacres in Iraq and Afghanistan that illustrate what the U.S. "war on terror" is really about.
New & Breaking News...
On the Coup in Egypt and Unfolding Events
Updated July 7, 2013
Mid-Air Imperialist Thuggery:
U.S. Stops Bolivian Presidential Plane in Search of Edward Snowden
July 5, 2013
NYC Revolution Club:
From Harlem to the world, People stand up to say
“We Are All Trayvon Martin, The Whole System Is Guilty!”
July 5, 2013
Three Questions about George Zimmerman Saying It Was “God’s Plan” for Him to Murder Trayvon Martin
July 4, 2013
A Call to Contribute from Jazz Pianist and Composer Matthew Shipp
“ BA is one of the few theorists asking the right questions . . .”
July 4, 2013
Abortion Rights Freedom Ride: Filling a Great Need
Timeline and Approach to Make This a Success
July 4, 2013
Interview With Carol Strickman
Carol Strickman is part of the litigation team in Ashker v. Brown, a case challenging solitary confinement in California prisons, now being argued in federal court.
July 4, 2013
Check It Out!
Herman's House
A beautiful, moving documentary called Herman's House will be broadcast nationwide on PBS on July 8.
July 4, 2013
From Trial of George Zimmerman:
Cops' Testimonies Show Their Hostility for Trayvons of the World
Some observations from the second week of George Zimmerman's trial.
July 3, 2013
BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! at Los Angeles Central Library
July 3, 2013
URGENT UPDATE on BA Everywhere Crowdfunding Campaign
July 2, 2013
BA Everywhere Online Summer 2013 Crowdfunding Campaign:
Go to the Indiegogo page right now to contribute. Forward it to everyone you know and contact them to donate now so that there are funds to launch the BA Everywhere Summer 2013 Campaign.
For more in depth coverage of (or info on) the campaign go to BA Everywhere on revcom.
Stop Patriarchy Announces Launch of Fundraising Campaign for The Abortion Rights Freedom Ride
Go to to donate to the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride.
Emergency Call! Join Us in Stopping Torture in U.S. Prisons!
A Summer of Big Challenges and Intense Struggle
Hook up with the revolution
Coming Events at Revolution Books