BA Everywhere
All Out to Raise Funds for the BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! Bob Avakian Live Summer Van Tours
Within the next week, the BA Speaks: Revolution—Nothing Less! Bob Avakian Live Summer Van Tours kick off in four places: New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and the San Francisco Bay Area.
Filling the Greatest Need Facing Humanity: The World Emancipating Urgency of BA Everywhere!
What people need most of all, the greatest need at this hour, is the real, scientific solution to these horrors, the way out. This is the re-envisioned communism of Bob Avakian.
July 20, LA Central Library:
Major Screening of BA Speaks: REVOLUTION— NOTHING LESS! Bob Avakian Live
This screening at the second-largest public library system west of the Mississippi can reverberate around the country and even internationally.
The Zimmerman Trial:
Lies, Slanders...and the Cold-Blooded Lynching of Trayvon Martin
The eyes of a nation are on the trial of the killer of Trayvon Martin, and in many ways, the whole world is watching.
Timeline of a Murder
Zimmerman's Lies: A Brief Recap
From the moment of Trayvon’s death to the present day, George Zimmerman never exhibited anything close to genuine sorrow or regret over the murder. But he, and those around him have pumped out lie after lie to justify the killing of Trayvon Martin.
"We Say NO MORE!"
The killing of Trayvon Martin and 2.4 million in prison make clear that there is a whole generation of Black and Latino youth who have been marked and treated as a "generation of suspects" to be murdered and jailed. This is not an issue for Black people alone but for all who care about justice; it is not a random tragedy. We say NO MORE!
PDF for print | JPG for web
A Call to Contribute from Jazz Pianist and Composer Matthew Shipp
From Gregory Koger:
Stand with Me on July 23...and Support the Prisoners Hunger Strike
"On July 23, 2013, a court hearing has been set where the State [of Illinois] will move forward with their attempt to put me back in jail for documenting a political statement opposing censorship at the 'Ethical' Humanist Society of Chicago (EHSC) with an iPhone—a 'crime' for which I received a 300-day jail sentence."
Come Out to Court Hearing on July 23—Not One More Day in Jail for Gregory!
Abortion Rights Freedom Ride: Filling a Great Need
Timeline and Approach to Make This a Success
The Abortion Rights Freedom Ride will be sent off in two major rallies on July 23 in SF and NYC and then hit the road for a month, traveling to North Dakota and then winding south to culminate in Jackson, Mississippi.
Kick-off Rallies for Abortion Rights Freedom Rides

Film Showings
Buy the DVD
On the Coup in Egypt: Strengthening Imperialism, Not the People
Some points of orientation on the rapidly developing situation in Egypt.
Letters from Prisoners
Cruel and Unusual Treatment
Letters send to the Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund describe the conditions of isolation and torture they are struggling against.
Artist: Larry James DeRossett
Revolution Interview: Carol Strickman, Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity Coalition
Prisoners' Struggle Against "Cruel and Unusual Punishment Amounting to Torture"
Some 80,000 prisoners are held in solitary confinement in the United States in conditions that are considered torture by international standards. Prisoners at Pelican Bay Prison in California are set to go on a hunger strike on July 8 because the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) has repeatedly refused to meet their demands to be treated like human beings.
Photo: Bill Hackwell/
Also in this issue
Mid-Air Imperialist Thuggery:
U.S. Stops Bolivian Presidential Plane in Search of Edward Snowden
The U.S. government apparently orchestrated a high-altitude "stop-and-frisk" of Bolivian President Evo Morales as part of their attempts to get their hands on Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who has exposed massive U.S. spying around the world.
Protests on July 4th:
No NSA Surveillance! Restore the Fourth Amendment
Prisoners Write On:
"What to the Prisoner Is Your Fourth of July?"
Over 1,000 March With the Bradley Manning Contingent at SF Pride Parade
Check It Out
Herman's House
Three Questions about George Zimmerman Saying It Was “God’s Plan” for Him to Murder Trayvon Martin
"We Are All Trayvon"
Reports from Harlem, Sanford and Atlanta
NYC Revolution Club:
From Harlem to the world, People stand up to say
“We Are All Trayvon Martin, The Whole System Is Guilty!”
July 4th in Sanford: "Tension and Restlessness"
Read more
"We Are All Trayvon" in Atlanta
Read more
We Are All Trayvon! The Whole Damned System Is Guilty!
Plan a Vigil When the Zimmerman Case Goes to the Jury and a Rally When the Verdict Comes Down!
Call from the Stop Mass Incarceration Network.
New & Breaking News...
Youth in LA’s Crenshaw District Join Struggle
We are all Trayvon! The whole damn system is guilty!
July 17, 2013
For more on the Trayvon Martin case, including reports of protest, click here.
After the Trayvon Martin Verdict:
The Whole Damned System Is Guilty!
July 16, 2013
The System vs Trayvon Martin
An Oppressor's Trial, an Intolerable Verdict
July 16, 2013
Letter from a reader
There Is a Jolt! What Is Our Responsibility Now?
July 16, 2013
BA Everywhere Summer 2013 Indiegogo Crowdfunding Campaign Ends Successfully--Raises Over $24,000
July 16, 2013
Carl Dix in Harlem—the Day After the Trayvon Martin Case
The System Is Guilty
We Need to Put an End to This System
July 14, 2013
Watch the video...
Abortion Rights Are at a Crossroads:
This is NOT a Time to Lay Low—It is Time for Massive Uncompromising Struggle!
July 12, 2013
From the Stop Mass Incarceration Network:
Friday, July 19 – National Day of Action to Support Prison Hunger Strikers!
Stop Prison Torture!
July 11, 2013
Fourth Day of Hunger Strike
Support the Courageous Prisoners' Struggle Against Isolation and Torture
July 11, 2013
Check the Stop Mass Incarceration Network website for info on vigils and other protests around the trial of George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin's killer.
30,000 California Prisoners Join Hunger Strike
July 9, 2013
A letter from a reader:
Two Different Approaches, Two Different Epistemologies—Two Different Worlds
July 9, 2013
Check It Out:
Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) Video Demonstrates Force-Feeding Torture of Guantánamo Prisoners
July 9, 2013
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